Depletion of online accounts

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Im wondering if we will be seeing the effects of a vig rate on online accounts. Im taking it no-one has found a sure legal way of replenishing accounts. So, we have a standard 10% depletion rate eating away at accounts now. Every game we play, regardless of win or lose, is paying a 10% fee to the vendors. Altho this allows for distribution of funds, like that toonces has enjoyed, it also has a drawing effect on accounts at a 10% rate. Considering USA is the main supplier of players this tends to say the accounts are in demise. Every game played is yielding to an external source besides the players. I have no idea how long it will take to see this in a reduction of players because that is dependent on how well they are placing etc.
  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    visa gift cards

    nob hill
  3. Lou 714

    Lou 714 New Member

    Math Quiz

    I was actually wondering what the long term effects of reading your post will be. Could it be eating away at our brain cells at a higher rate than 10 % ;)
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I mean JoeP.Nice to see you posting again.When you form a new alias try to not make your common mistake of not spacing after a period which very few if any others frequently make. This is a conclusion I made after reading your 7 postings.Talking about good police work :D
  5. Lou 714

    Lou 714 New Member

    If I do things like Joep does that would not be a bad thing. As long as Im not doing anything like you do.Mr.PB
  6. noman

    noman Top Member


    Sorry: But Sidecar had it half right. Some Credit Cards still work. The bets and UBT changed their "name" payment site to a non descript nom de plume.

    Opportunities are still there. Especially in the 50 and 100 buy-in gaurantees, which generally, so far have produced overlays. And there you can really test your skills, or luck.

    There is no real erosion, cause just like any B&M tourney, or any poker tourney with "vig" you're payin sumpin. Seperate the tourneys from standard table play ev and look at potential payout for final table, plus overlays and there is no erosion for oh let's take a wild guess, without ciphering, and say a one in 10 final table or win.No plane fare, no hotel room, no car expenses, no strippers or ladies of the evening, no fancy, overpriced, under quality eateries. No flier passing sidewalk obstacles. But then again, no good commradairre conversation with some top folks. Only an opportunity for some MONEY.

    Don't like the 50 and 100 games. Then do as I do,(naw you don't have to) but slave in the salt mine $1 sng's or the coal mine $5 sngs and work your stake up. Again without ciphering, almost a better opportunity than the freerolls.
  7. noman

    noman Top Member


    I thought Joe Friday had badge 714. Was Lou, Joe and Bill's boss?
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    TX brought up a great idea recently. I have further investigated it and viola he's spot on.

    Certain players, example Toonces, have lots of "cash" in their accounts. If you want a sure legal way to depositing wire money to Toonces. Once Toonces gets the fees he will transfer from his account into your account. Transfers take effect very quickly (less than 24 hours, in my case immediately)

    The best part of this? NO FEES for players. It also allows players to get CASH without waiting for the 2-3 weeks for their check from

    The interesting thing about this? 8 PM EST $1,000 guarentee "barely" has any positive overlay anymore. The 10 PM EST $2,500 guarentee is a close second. There seems to be more players NOW than ever before.

    I don't know how or why but my PERSONAL observation is that ever since the $25,000 online tourney things are getting busier.

    PS actually MADE $ on the $25,000 tourney! Imagine that after all those $100,000 FREEROLLS, actually offer a good value and people will come! :p
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You want conversation? then just sit at my table you'll get PLENTY of quality conversation. Just ask London :joker:

    Noman, what is your handle?
  10. noman

    noman Top Member


    Thought I had to ask Cerritos about quality conversation with you.

    And if you're really lookin for the schlepper on the Bet21/UBT, give a nod, or tip of the chapau to MARCONANAN.

    Bye the bye, unless someone has updated you, your preception of "The Legend" is in error. And the title is well deserved. He made an uncommon. non typical move against me at one of the Hilton qualifiers the month he won, to win. Said he never did what he did. As Obie-Wan, said, he also is notorious for surrendering a 20 in the first year of the WSOB. But legends are made and maintained of such stuff.
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    <<TX brought up a great idea recently. I have further investigated it and viola he's spot on.

    Oh really? What did the business lawyer tell you about the legality of underground and back door economics? Did he mention that there is a chance acting as a transfer agent could be considered money laundering! YIKES! I think it would be prudent to keep this type of thing hush hush! :)
  12. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Its debatable if money was earned on the 25,000 event....remember it was funded in part by satts that towards the end were playable with as little as 12 players....

    That said it was a resounding success! Especially given the terrible hit we got from the news of Netteller and other funding sources drying up just a few weeks earlier.

    I have to agree with Fred that the game is gaining in popularity. Strangely as soon as the required number of players went down to 12 to start a game.. a few short days later the game took off.

    Im wondering if it is all finally coming together? You have the $25,000 tournament getting the poker players attention....they see the game and start to like it....

    You have guys like Scotty Nyguin (SP) {Win} who are simply addicted hes playing all the time...(great 1st place win last night BTW Scotty) and he has a lot of respect with the poker they start checking out this game....

    It seems to really have increased just recently as the news broke about funding ....not sure what effect that would have....maybe guys started looking around the site then?

    In any case I think its on the rise and I dont doubt that we will soon see more Sat games and bigger money the 25,000 dealy....if they didnt make money was certainly darn close to making money and should encourage them to not give up just yet....

    I still hate the free rolls but Im wrong all the time....maybe they are attracting a few to the real money game...

    Hopefully 2007 will fullfill the broken dreams that we had all hoped for in 2006.

    Such hopeful and exciting changes we all dreamed of for 2006 ..then taking a hit to the "bread basket" with the internet intrusion by our Uncle Sam...putting the ship of dreams into shallow reef strewn waters...

    We will overcome these issues....tough problems bring out the great thinkers....dumb laws trampling on US citizens freedoms are always overcome.

    Its true that "If there is a will ...there is always way".

    Deal em UP!
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    psychology would tend to lead to a desire to play more games as events like Neteller unfold. When a threat is made to take candy from a baby the baby will eat as much as possible in the mean time until the real event of of supply depletion. This could actually lead to an expedited depletion of accounts as it spurs a frenzy of demand.
  14. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    25k is on again.

    The 25k guaranteed tournament is on again at 800 pm on Feb 24. GLA.:)
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Just wondering ....

    When the UBT starting airing on WGN, two times a week..........

    Increases in participants about that time.................

    Coincidence :confused:
  16. noman

    noman Top Member

    Depletion or not:

    One: When funding sources dried up, the minimum required to start a tourney went down to 12 across the board. No matter the buy in or gaurantee. Led to great overlays. The AP's jumped on it. You didn't see so many names playing early on, trying to establish the sites.

    TWO: TV or no tv. Had to find a way to fund your play. Most Tv viewers can barely find the remote.

    THREE: Difficult to fund a site, but possible. They'll have to come and pull my computer from my kicking and screaming hands, if they want to sink that low. Otherwise, if YOU run a site, or funding source. Stay out of the US.

    FOUR: That is not the REAL Scotty. Just some guy from the Carolinas who reallllllllllly likes Scotty Nyguen. Personal note. Just cause, he's part of team UBT, his initial reaction to the BJ was not favorable. Given that, I'm 95% sure, he isn't turning down a big stakes cash poker game for the opportunity to play on line BJ.

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