Deposits and Withdraws

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by pergo56, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Since I will soon be on the outside looking in. :sad: I have some questions that perhaps someone can answer for me.

    1.) Since the fold-up of Neteller, Has anyone withdrew fund from any of their online game accounts?

    2.) What methods are being used now to add or remove funds?

    3.) Are checks from the gaming sites going to be refused for deposit at U.S. Banks?

    I’m sure there's other folks out there who would like to know also.

  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    If you live close to the Canadian border why not start a Pergo mailbox service? Open up canadian PO boxes for US players. We can paypal you money that you can run up to the border, get Loonie money orders and mail to or Golden Palace?

    Just charge a monthly fee and 10% vig like Neteller did.

    I'm sure that if it takes off you could retire based on the take from constant depositers :joker:
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Dr Perg meet Dr Kavorkian. Thats what would happen if you followed FGKs brilliant advice on running transfer agent for US players, jail time LOL

    Bank of America wouldnt let their ATM nor credit cards be used with any online gambling even before the ban. Cashing the checks wouldnt be a problem but no checks could be written to the vendors. I did see bj21 is using e-wallet for deposits. Last I looked UBT page was pushing pay as you go atm for funding.
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Flip Flop


    Flip flop Barney's Back

    There's a JOKER in my posting - that means it is NOT to be taken seriously Dr. Killjoy!

    How soon you forget - remember what YOU wrote in October 2006 conerning running to Mexico for deposits? Here let me remind you...
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Now this is funny Barney:joker: (PB) is now twisting his own words.You know what they say once a word twister always a word twister.How anyone even pays attention to what he writes is beyond me.His post speak for themselves,you need to understand sign language to find any value to them as his written words contain none so there must be some hidden value to them,can you find it? 849 post and not 1 of any remote value.

    We should have a contest as to what post number of his will be a worthwhile post that members here can actually learn from.I will take the over on 1,000 post.

    Last edited: Feb 27, 2007

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