Deposits now being taken for $10,000 entry event.

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    We are currently at 12 players who have told me they would like to play in the August 15th/16th $10,000 entry One on One matches.

    This event will be held at the River Palms casino in Laughlin, NV.

    This event is open to the first 16 players who sign up and deposit $500. All deposits must be in no later than Wednesday July 25th, (this is three week's proir to the event).

    The event will be played as long as we have 8 or more players.

    Should the event be canceled for any reason a full refund will be made to all players.

    If you are really interested in playing contact me by PM, e-mail, or phone for full tournament and deposit information.

    This event is suppose to be filmed and will be open to spectators if any of you would like to come watch these matches live.

    The TBJPA/TBT events will be held that same weekend, also at the River Palms and will be open for all to play in well.
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    What's the latest? Is this going to happen?

  3. UB-Pitboss

    UB-Pitboss New Member


    The future of blackjack tournaments needs big money to make big players, big money means TV, TV means players that entertain and a format that is exciting, Tournaments like this will slowly die as people see that money coming from TV create big money tournaments with prizes that much bigger then entry fees, unlike this failure where entry fees much bigger then prizes, Elimination Blackjack is future . Play online now at
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2007
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Numero uno, what makes a tournament exciting is great players NOT those that can entertain. The entertainment comes with great play. Not Bozos.

    Big money comes from more players, the TV follows.

    If you want to see a real tournament come to Laughlin in August. Maybe it will help you help UB EBJ survive!;)
  5. Pot Stirrer

    Pot Stirrer New Member

    At least this guy admits he's a shill. But the facts don't support what you're saying. World Series of Poker and World Poker Tour succeeded with prizes less than the entries and without players that go out of their way to entertain. The big poker players played long before the TV boom and don't mug to the camera and treat the game like WWF. When Blackjack takes itself seriously it may have a chance. But when players tout themselves over the game, it can never be big. Maybe the 36 people that showed up at the Palms think Elimination Blackjack is the future, but that's not going to help the game. How many of them actually forked over the money for their entry fee?
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Reachy, I'm not sure...

    I posted from the beginning that I would host this event if we got 16 players willing to put up the $10,000 entry fee.

    I had 12 contact me, saying they wanted to play, but since I posted about the $500 deposit only 5 have contacted me back and I have only received a deposit from one player.

    I have 4 other's that told me they will put in their deposits once we have a minimum of 12 other players in first.

    This is why I required a depots, to see who is really serious about wanting to play this event. Regardless of if this event happens or not, the 16th - 19th TBJPA/TBT events are set and filling up.

    I put a deadline for the $10,000 event for the end of this month, if we get the players great, if not great, the TBJPA/TBT are the only events I am concerned now, unless we get 16 players for the other.

  7. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    UB Guy...

    You are really funny...

    You are shilling for the future of a company that has failed to respond to deposit bonus promises, has regulary failed to address customers issues thru a inept CS department, short UB has done more to kill EBJ with one hand tied behind their back.

    You should be embarassed to come here to represent them... Its a company that breaks promises and ignores their best customers. That is a receipe for failure not a future of success.
  8. UB-Pitboss

    UB-Pitboss New Member


    I thank you you make me laugh too , you have no understanding of what you talk about, EBJ has already had bigger viewing figure on TV then any other poker in Timeframe, Sign up bonus is for rake game and Now caash Blackjack get Ultimate point, In future Blackjack also get bonus releases, But Rambo you are the one to be left behind by not playing now. There are hundreds of players who would be as good as you or better the difference is with EBJ they become household name you became like household waste flushed away over not playing.
  9. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    Hey Pitboss...

    Your latest post is hilarious. I'm still laughing as i write this.
    Lets hear more from you.
  10. eliburk

    eliburk New Member


    u talk funny ... are u computer ... make me laugh
  11. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    If you enjoy mocking people attempting to speak a foreign language, I can try out some of my german on you. :rolleyes:

    That being said, I am not at all impressed with the contributions of UB-Pitboss so far. He seems intent on making a bad situation worse, rather than providing a much needed channel of sober communication.

    If the intention truly is to attract people (back) to UB, I'm afraid this latest development is having the opposite effect on me.
  12. eliburk

    eliburk New Member


    No I dont normally mock - I just didnt think that was actually a foreign "accent" - he (or she) didn't seem to be saying anything. I do apologize.
    I cannot even speak other languages as I am one of the ugly americans.:eek:
  13. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    JoeP in Disguise...


    The NEW UB-Pitboss has got to be JoeP trying to sneak back in! LMAO

    Also, a "Pit Boss" wanna be... NOT


    P.S. Think he's getting bored over at LVA site because there's no one who will fight with him. Haven't seen him Post over there recently. Can anyone verify that he's still alive? lol Did you put something in his drink Barney? :joker:
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    Jeez: Dreamer:

    fgk 41 and one half, TX and some out of the woodwork folks spar with Joep all the time over there.

    And I can't believe the security here between the site administrator and number one screener, both very adept at what they do, would allow a pseudo come back such as that.
  15. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    You have totally disarmed me with your apology! Plus, I am thinking how very foolish I am going to feel if it does turn out to be joep (or someone else), playing silly games with us. :)


    I don't see how a comeback could be prevented. It's always seemed to me that banning people is a risky business; there's nothing to stop them returning with the sole purpose of being disruptive. So we'd have all the same annoyances, plus the further annoyance of playing the 'guess who' game.

    I confess I had the same suspicion as dreamer and still can't entirely rule it out. I'm just more inclined to start out by giving the benefit of the doubt.


    Please don't get involved in arguments and name calling. If you have official information to share with us then that is most welcome, but if you are just here to be a cheerleader for UB and to call people 'household waste' then .... well you really do sound like joep!
  16. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    If you ask Colin, we are the ones with the foreign accent.
  17. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Very Gracious

    I knew that London Colin would feel humble after the eliburk reply because he is such a nice guy and never gets involved in slanging matches on here.

    I agree with Colin that UB-Pitboss should be given the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.


    PS Colin. What is German for welcome back Joep? :laugh:
  18. noman

    noman Top Member

    I still don't BELIEVE!

    But welcome back in german is Gesuhenhieghtenlagerbadenfluerendorphmonger
  19. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I detect the accent ...

    of the Swedish Chef. :D
  20. eliburk

    eliburk New Member

    the clash

    Just so you know the Clash was one of my favorite bands back in 1979 or so in my college days - not to give anything away :)

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