Devils Advocate

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Okay, by now most all of us have heard about the Las Vegas Hiltons $100 mulligan they offered at their last blackjack tournament.

    How the way it was handled I do feel it was poorly done (no advance notice), but it was offered as an option and not mandatory to purchase. Now as far as where the money went that was raised from the mulligan seem to be the bigger issue here.

    Let's take a look at what is going on here.

    The LVH offered "Free" entry and rooms for three nights for any player that caught a suited blackjack while playing on any of their blackjack tables. The total prize money the LVH was paying out was $100,000 and the event was open to everybody (that are normally allowed to play there anyway).

    So other than not giving advance notice to the players what did the LVH do wrong?

    Remember I am just playing "The Devils Advocate" here.

    From all reports I have heard only 40% of the 1,000 players bought the mulligan. So the LVH made $40,000 off this offer. Okay but they were giving away at least 600 rooms (out of the 1,000 players) and $100,000 in cash prizes so what’s the problem with them recouping $40,000 of that back?

    Yes I understand that they will get action at the tables and machines, but their out $100,000 cash and all the hotel rooms so recouping $40,000 doesn't seem like a bad business plan to me.

    Now the more I heard about this the more I would be inclined to not only play, but buy the mulligan (if offered). As a season tournament player I feel I have a good chance to advance in most events, with the mulligan I can even increase my odds of advancing and last with 60% of my opponents not taking advantage of the mulligan it even increases my odds more.

    So to get this straight the LVH offers a tournament and rooms at no charge and a $100 offer for a mulligan that you may or may not want to purchase (you don't have to buy one) that will only increase your chances of advancement and less then half the players in the tournament purchase them.

    Does that sounds about right? So what is the problem here other than no advance notice, (which I too had a problem with)?

    All I hear are how we have no open tournaments we can play in. Only the high rollers get invites to the good tournaments, I'm not in the "BJ Click" so I don't get to play on TV.

    Well Boo F---ing Hoo! Stop all this damn whining. Have ya'll ever stopped and thought this might be why we are losing so many tournaments and why they are going to VIP events only?

    What I keep hearing is the casinos owe us, WHY DO THEY? If we don't go play they will just get new players, were only hurting ourselves with all this bickering.
    If you don’t agree, that’s fine it you option. But think about this, you’re the owner of any business, aren’t you going to try and make the highest profits possible?

    Now just stop and think about that next time before getting on the casinos for giving us a free shot to win $50,000 for first place and three free nights of rooms and an option to buy a $100 mulligan (which we don’t have to buy if we don’t want to).

    Now if 1,000 players played in the LVH tournament and only about 10 people have posted about it how bad could it have been?

    1,000 players people, A 1,000 PLAYERS IN THIS TOURNAMENT PEOPLE! Now I like that kind of interest in a BJ tournament and if the LVH can drum up that interest we shouldn’t be slamming them. This is what we want, more interest in tournament blackjack to help increase the number of events we can play in.

    This is why the WSOB and UBT are so exciting, they offer a chance to expose tournament blackjack to more players through TV and get them excited about playing. It is very simple, the more players interested in playing tournaments the more tournaments the casinos will offer us.

    Just look at poker, most casinos didn’t even have poker rooms just a few years back, but after TV and the card cam now they are scrambling to build or add on poker rooms and the TV networks are always looking for any new poker show to put on TV during this poker craze.

    Why don’t we promote blackjack tournaments instead of always finding fault in them and maybe blackjack tournaments will start their own craze with the help of WSOB and UBT leading the way.
  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    well said:D
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    It was just pointed out (by Toolman) that the LVH did not included free rooms in the last BJ tournament. I stand corrected, I assumed they were all part of the package for hitting a suited BJ, just like they have always done in their tournament qualifying events.

    Had I gotten to go out I knew my rooms were comp-ed and I guess I assumed everybodies rooms were comp-ed, my bad!...LOL
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I have absolutely no problem with adding the mulligan feature, as long as it is announced ahead of time. Springing this surprise on the people who showed up was just extortion.

    What if buying the mulligan rule had cost $1000 instead of $100? Would everyone have the same opinion? If it's wrong at $1000 it was wrong at $100.

    Now, I'm thrilled to see this event with 1000 players, and I hope it succeeds as well next time around. Next time, I don't care whether it's free, has a $100 entry fee, or has an optional $100 mulligan, just tell everyone now and don't wait until after they arrive.
  5. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Correction Of Correction

    Although it was unadvertised as was the $100 Mulligan, the printed material received by participants at registration stated "Rooms are included if available". I was comped at another Hotel/Casino so didn't inquire as to the availability of rooms. Needless to say the Hotel/Casino that comped my room got all my side play after I qualified for the upcoming blackjack and craps tournaments at the LVH.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    When I inquired, a couple of months ago, if rooms are included I was told my play only justified a "casino rate" of $55 per night. I guess we have some inconsistencies but it does not matter. The "surprise" is what's important and is what we should be focusing on.
  7. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member


    My wife and I played in this tournament. We enjoyed every minute of it. It was well run for the size of the event. The mulligan allowed an inexperienced player to be able to compete with "seasoned" players. For $100.00 everyone got a shot at winning $50,000. (not bad huh?). In addition to all this, all entrants will receive a free entry to the Pai Gau, 3 card poker, and the craps tournaments. I agree with Rick...lets not tear down the casinos because we have a grudge with them for some reason. I live here, and with out BJ tournaments this could be an expensive place to live. The Hilton also gives us "regulars" over 55 yrs old a free slot tournament every week, as well as free show tickets to see top names perform. Quit grumbling, enter the tourneys and enjoy your self, you might win some money and have fun also.
  8. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    My complaint is Nevada Gaming allowing casinos to change the rules as late as when you sit down to play or even after play starts. The Hilton has always been doing this even at the Million Dollar tourneys. They would change the rules and then say if you don't like it you can get your entry fee refunded, a big help since you already flew out there. Here in Mississippi no promtion, event or tourney can be changed without written permission from gaming and they have not allowed changes within 4 weeks of the event. I won a weekly poker tourney at Isle of capri, with the win came a chance to play the manager head up for $5000, he was fired first, I went to play the head up match, was told it was canceled since the manager no longer worked there, I called Gaming and they had to pay me the $5000 since they forfeited by their player not showing.
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    No Free Lunch

    Is that what I have to look forward to when I turn 55 . A free slot tournament :eek: .....Please somebody SHOOT me and don't call [***] Rando to do it I refuse to be shot by somebody that's wears socks and sandals at the same time .

    This is about the Hilton's "bait and switch" move .

    Trust me if you got invited to a free slot tournament your play warrants it . You will get nothing for free from the "Blood Suckers"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2006
  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Free Lunch?


    What do you mean, when you turn 55? I thought you were already at least 60. I mean, that was in writing with the mini bannana certification.
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Wrong not even close .Now can you say the same as far as being past 55.I believe VCR's was first introduced when you were 55 .VCR's have been around a while if your memory is slipping.

    Just stick to revealing your Twinkie on the beach in Aruba and leave my young age out of this .

  12. noman

    noman Top Member

    Wrong, Wronging ,Wonged:

    You may be correct about my adled memory, cause I don't recall VCR's being a part of anything, though I still have five single head and two dual deck units, each set up to record your promised next TV victory.(Which would be one more than I.)

    Did you get in the top 15 Saturday for WSOP? I didn't either.

    And I'm going with the polls. The majority opinion is that I should leave the twinkies home.

    So that's three items in common. Will that qualify me for a spot on your "team" at Aruba? I'm a very free agent. And every team needs a "rabbitt"
  13. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User


    There is room on my team in Aruba

    All on Joep team will be wearing Speedo's, do you have a small enough Rabbit to fit into your Speedo's ? That is the question

  14. noman

    noman Top Member


    I don't qualify! --My stars! --Guess I gotta try out for the Carolina league.

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