Diamond Jo Worth Wednesday BJT Rule Changes

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by ee4life66, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    I said it about the DJ Sunday Matinee but it is more applicable to their Wednesday tournament; it is a great newbie tournament. The casino recently changed the rules, at players request, adding limits, chip counts, time limits but they did reduce the maximum number of players from 72 to 63 that reduced prize money but the entire final table gets paid.

    If you are a new tournament player within a 2 hour drive this tournament is a must, within a 3 hour drive this tournament highly recommended. Every document I have ever picked up on tournament play stresses the importance of experience, this tournament is good cheap experience. You will even get to meet some small casino whale’s, their self importance is comical.

    One warning; read the rules very carefully because some of the regulars are sticklers. I have included them below for your reading pleasure.

    DATE: Wednesdays, Rule change occurred March 4, 2009
    TIME: 4:00 p.m. registration, Round One Session One starts at 6 pm

    Prize Pool: ____ 26 or more players __________ 25 or less players
    1st Place: ____ 41% ($594.09 – $245.18) ______ 50% ($287.50 - $69.00)
    2nd Place: ____ 24% ($347.76 – $143.52) ______ 30% ($172.5 - $41.40)
    3rd Place: ____ 15% ($217.35 – $89.70) _______ 20% ($115.00 - $27.60)
    4th Place: ____ 10% ($144.9 – $59.80)
    5th Place: ____ 7% ($101.43 – $41.86)
    6th Place: ____ 3% ($43.74 - $17.94)

    1. Each participant must be a current Diamond Club Member to register for the tournament.
    2. The entry fee for this tournament will be $25.00. From each entry fee, $2.00 will be dropped for the dealers tip and the remaining $23.00 will be placed in the prize pool.
    3. Registration will start at 4:00 pm in Pit 2 of the casino. All buy-ins will take place at the tournament registration table in pit 2. No call-in or early registrations will be accepted.
    4. Any player playing in round one, session one that does not advance may re-buy into another round one session.
    5. Must be 21 or older to participate.

    1. Each session will consist of twenty (20) hands.
    2. Round One will consist of three sessions. Each session will have three tables with seven players at each table. The top two players from each table will advance to the next round of play.
    3. Round Two will consist of one session with three tables, each table have six players. The top two players from each table will advance to the final round of play.
    4. The Final round will consist of one session with one table with six players.
    5. Seating assignments for each round will be decided through a random drawing from the table / seat cards with each one designating the players starting table and seat. Players will randomly pick one card prior the beginning of each session. The floor person will shuffle the cards face down on the table and each player will randomly pick one card designating their seat assignment. Players may only draw once and may not switch their table seat / card with another player.
    1. Unless otherwise stated, Diamond Jo Worth Casino standard rules of Blackjack will apply.
    2. Each player must check in 5 minutes prior to the beginning of their session.
    3. Each tournament player will be issued $1,000 in tournament chips at the start of each round.
    4. Tournament chips may not be removed from the table and can not be concealed.
    5. Tournament chips may not be shared or given to any other player.
    6. All blackjacks dealt during the tournament will be paid 2 to 1 odds.
    7. The dealing sequence will begin by placing the puck at the gaming position number seven, located immediately to the right of the dealer and the dealing will begin at first base and will continue by moving the puck sequentially from gaming position number seven to gaming position number one (left to right), and then repeated until all hands are dealt. Betting will follow this same sequence.
    8. Players must bet a minimum of $5 up to a maximum of $500 on each hand dealt. If the player’s remaining chips fall below the table minimum, all of the player’s remaining chips must be bet on the next hand. The order of dealing will be the same order used to place all bets.
    9. Once a bet is placed, it cannot be removed or changed.
    10. There will be twenty (20) white chips placed atop each table to keep track of the number of hands dealt. After each hand is completed, one of the chips will be removed from the table and placed in the bank tray.
    11. Any decision on how to bet, or how to play, must be solely that of the player. No communication, verbal or visual will be permitted between spectators or players. The Dealer may advise the player of his or her options but will not make any recommendations.
    12. If the dealing sequence is dealt out of position, the floor person will be called and the hand backed up to the spots as if the dealing sequence had been correctly dealt. The cards will not be backed up for any other reason.
    13. Players are expected to make decisions about their wagers and hand decisions in a reasonable amount of time. At the floor persons discretion “Time” may be called on a player which will force a player to make their decision in the amount of time of one (1) minute. If the decision is not made after the minute time has been called, then the players hand will stand and no cards will be drawn. If the decision was not made on a wager amount, the player will be forced to wager a table minimum bet of $5.00.
    14. Each player’s chips will be counted and announced after the 19th hands have been played.
    15. During each round of play, any ties will be broken by dealing additional hands until one player has more chips than the other player. Note: Each hand must be completed before the chips are counted and a winner is declared.
    16. At the conclusion of each session or round consisting of 20 hands, the dealer will count the player’s chips. The floor person will verify the count and determine who advances.

    1. No Smoking or beverages will be allowed at the tournament tables.
    2. If a player leaves their assigned table during the course of play, they will have voluntarily withdrawn from the tournament. At the conclusion of a round the players must wait until the dealer has counted their chips, before leaving the table.
    3. Gratuities may be paid to the dealers in the form of gaming chips and cash only. Tournament chips may not be used for gratuity purposes. Gratuities may only be paid at the end of a session or at the conclusion of the tournament.
    4. If a player is found to be in violation of any rules it is the Floor person’s decision to issue one warning before ejecting a player from the tournament. Violation of tournament rules may eliminate a player from future participation.
    5. Winners are responsible for any applicable local, state and/or federal taxes.
    6. A set of rules will be posted at the drawing area
    7. Management reserves the right to change any promotion with the approval of IRGC.
    8. Winners may be required to show valid state-issued picture identification.

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