Did I bet this correctly

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by rookeyc, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. rookeyc

    rookeyc New Member

    It is the final hand of the table, minimum tournament bet - $25, maximum tournament bet - all in.

    I am BR1 with $12,500

    BR2 has $12,900

    BR3 has $11,975

    I am first to bet and I go all in, my $12,500. BR2 bets $25, BR3 goes all in also, his $11,975. Since the dealer draws a blackjack we all lose our hands, so what we have is inconsequential at this point. Of course I lose the table.

    My question is, if the dealer did not draw the blackjack did I make the proper initial bet on this hand? Remember that I had the dealer button so I was first to act.

    BTW, I was dealt a 13, BR2 had 14 and BR3 had 12. If the dealer had shown a 7 or higher I would of course had hit my hand.

    Just wondering what other betting stragedy that I could have used in this situation.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I'll assume only one advances from the table or if it is the final table then I'll assume the tournament is "top heavy". In either case, being first is critical.

    I would also have gone "all in" in your situation. Against 2 contenders and betting first you really have no choice. The outcome of the hand cannot be predicted so just because you lost does not mean you made a bad bet. You make your bet based on the known information and go from there.

    As for your play if the dealer did not have BJ and had a 7 instead, I think hitting to at least 17 or standing on your 13 would produce almost the same results since BR3 plays after you. Either way you are behind the eight ball. Maybe someone will jump in with some probabilities, I just don't have any.

    By the way, this sounds like Caesars Indiana. Am I right?
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    More infomation please

    Playing first (On the button) against multiple players who can beat you, your best bet was to bet the high.

  4. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    My Thoughts

    I would have bet the $12,500 the same as you did. Toolman mentioned possibly standing on your 13 and that's probably what I would have done as to not bust out. If you bust out BR3 can surrendar if thats an option and lock 2nd place (if two advance). And I believe you are BR2 not BR1 as Tex mentioned in his post.

    I feel BR3 bet incorrectly and I would have taken the low over you and bet at least $550 less than you if I was BR3.
  5. rookeyc

    rookeyc New Member

    Thanks all, I was BR1 with $12,500, behind the chip leader by $400. This was the first round and only 1 player from the table advances to the next round.

    I thought I had bet this correctly as I saw no other alternative for me since I was first to bet. Surrender was not an option in this tournament.

    This was at casino Arizona in Scottsdale, AZ
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    If you were $400 behind the chip leader then you were BR2 not BR1. The letters "BR" stand for "BankRoll". The letters "BR" have no relation to your betting position. So to summarize, you were "BR2 betting 1st".

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