Did I do the right thing

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by tomiahawks, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. tomiahawks

    tomiahawks Member

    I was in a tournament last week with $50,000.00 at the final table. Last hand count I was in 2nd with 6450.00 the leader had 7000.00 and the 3rd place had 6000.00 Max bet was $2000.00. I bet max and so did 3rd. 1st bet $1400.00
    Dealer hand was an 8,
    I had an 18, 1st had 11 and 3rd had 14. I was 1st to bet which was not a good place to be. Should I have doubled and hit the 18 or should I have stayed hoping for bad cards on the other 2 hands? I would like to hear from the gallery.

  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Play It Out

    First of all, welcome to the forum.

    BR1 didn't bet enough. You had the high.

    However, BR1 will likely double down. Most players don't think to double for less. BR1's bad bet here indicates a lack of situational awareness and/or lack of knowledge of tournament blackjack theory. This makes it highly likely he'll double for the whole thing and give you the low.

    Just stand on the hand and cross your fingers. You're the underdog, but not as bad an underdog as if you try to hit or double hard 18.

    I'd be interested to know what your assessment of BR1's skill was. I'd also like to know how it came out for you. :D
  3. tomiahawks

    tomiahawks Member

    Thank You for the reply

    I did stand hoping for bad cards down line on the Double downs. They did not happen and the next card out of the shoe was a 3. That did not matter to me because I help hoping for bad cards down line vs hitting the 18. Unfortunatley the bad cards were also in the dealers hand and he busted. You are right doubling down on an 18 is tough. In this case it would have gotten me 8333.00 as I would have won the table. Hind site Black Jack is awsome.
    The guy in the lead was average but not an all in type of tournament player. The day before I doubled a 17 to advance.


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