Direct Buy club

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Have you ever seen the advertisments for the discount club "Direct Buy"?

    I went to a free veiwing with a friend the other day and was looking in their catalogs and found that their pricea are hundreds of dollars cheaper then just get the items at the stores.

    For example there was a 50 inch TV for over $600 cheaper then what Best Buy was selling the same unit for.

    Sounds like a great deal right? No so fast, if your buying a house and or remodeling maybe but other wise hold on.

    To join the club you have to pay $5,000 up front (one time lifetime fee) so as you can see unless you intend on buying over $12,000 or more worth of items for your home, you'll come out better just buying retail.

    My friend just wanted a new sofa, chair and tables, they thought they were about to save over $350 until they learned about the membership fee.

    For those building a new home or remodeling, it could save you thousands of dollars.
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Not for me

    Forty years in retail has made me very skeptical of these "deals". Even if I was building a new home I doubt if I would buy into this. I like to do my own negotiating.

    Billy C

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