Do electronic devices in predicting outcomes of chance?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Systemplayer, Mar 15, 2008.

  1. Systemplayer

    Systemplayer New Member

    Hello folks

    For some time there has been electronic gadgets for beating casino games, roulette, Blackjack etc and I would like to know the general consensus for these devices over unaided electronic methods.

    Some questions:

    1) Do electronic device work for beating blackjack, is it practical and does it serve a purpose, or is it more practical to use one's own head for counting?
    2) Does it increase your edge, has the device more powerful tools at its disposal?
    3) Do the developers of these devices have enough experience of play to develop such devices, do they need to have experience or can they follow simple formulas to place inside a device?
    4) What sort of edge can be achieved with such devices for beating BJ?
    5) I have been told that electronic devices are incredibly difficult to use for beating BJ and it requires speed and dexterity to be able to enter the different cards into the device for analysis, is this true?

    Some references to the sellers of such devices and I would like anyone to come forward regards the use of these devices to give us a personal view on the products and how effective they are. device for beating BJ already done some digging on this character who sells several devices for beating roulette games but has a somewhat dubious past, imprisoned for fraud and sold a system based on Dealer signature recently. Read more at which interestingly shows exactly how the fraud is done using dealer influence, not Dealer signature as such. I would not trust this guy as far as I can throw him. A classic, anyone had experience with this?

    I know a couple of people that purchased roulette computers about 10 years ago from a guy in the UK, one of them had terrible experiences and eventually got a refund, the other team repeatedly and still do make plenty of money with the device and have updated to mobile phones supplied by the same guy in the UK. This got me thinking that some devices do indeed work, to make money every week for over 10 years using a device is against luck, the device simply works, but on the same note, some people do not have the understanding of how to apply such devices, some do it seems.

    I saw and read with great interest the review by Mike Barnett, casino consultant review Foresters device at who now claims that on modern near level wheels found in most casinos, his device simply fails, yet the forum seems to have many characters claiming it works, which means one of two things, either they are lying or the characters are fictitious to promote the product like Stefano hourmouzis does at his forums. Mike Barnett had Foresters device tested by several well experenced casino staff on several different wheels, not one of them managed to get a good result?

    The Uk vendor now offers the hardware at hardware cost until you know it works, you pay only 20 to 40%, then the rest when you are satisfied it works which instills a little confidence in the product I suppose and is a good way to sell a product. This put pressure on other Vendors to do the same and Stefano hourmouzis was kicked into touch and retaliated by claiming he will give his all his devices away for free, the hardware for free if the player splits the profits as posted in the gambling tools section at Still no one from another message board I frequent has had any luck in obtaining one of these free units, its seems like a red herring and yet another lie from this huckster. Maybe some of the members of this site should challenge his offer publically, one of them testing it and reporting back, oh, another problem, you need a code to carry on using the device monthly and if you discuss it with anyone you are automatically disqualified from using the unit by being denied the code!!! A sure plan to protect a scam and nothing else.

    I remember the seller Laurance Scott who sells a system using only your eyesight and has recently published a book at around 100 dollars, would he not also benefit from selling the book at cost until the system is proved.

    I think the method of selling products that claim to be a silver bullet or a goose that lays a golden egg should be sold as cost only of the hardware then the remaining amount paid once the system proves fruitful and productive.

    I take my hat off to the UK vendor that has done this at for it forces other people to follow suit that sell similar products.

    Still, it would be nice to get some more feedback from some of these gadgets if they make beating the bank easier, then lets see some hard proof or reviews from genuine users of these products.

    Personally I think there is more to these products, like the needing of a good dose of experience in the given area of attack, I don't think a newbie picking up one of these devices is going to make a killing immediately without some old fashion hard ground work.

    I travel alot, so these products are appealing to me as I like to gamble in my spare time.

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    To put it simple, use ANY electronic devices to beat any casino and plan on going to PRISON when you get caught.
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Simple Question - Simple Answer: THEY'RE ILLEGAL

    I can tell you this - If I were to see you or anyone using one of these devices in a BJ tournament or at a BJ table you'd better hope that I know you. If I saw someone I knew using an electronic device I'd walk over to them and whisper in their ear to stop because if I can see them so can the house.

    If it's a total stranger sorry but I'm turning your ass into the house and I'll press the house for a "reward".


    It gives ALL BJ players a black eye when those few try to CHEAT.

    Let me ask you this? If you were to develop a "system" that worked and gave you an edge over the casino why would you sell it at all?

    Would you want the casino to KNOW what edge you have?

    Would you want everyone on God's Green Earth to now start beating the casino to the point that the casino would change their game and take away your edge?

    Of course not!

    These Silver Bullets, as you put it, are just an excuse for lazy people to take short cuts or they're systems that may have worked in the past but once the casino finds out the flaws corrects them. Therefore the "system" is no longer effective so they sell it to "suckers" who purchase it.

    Just my thoughts anyway

    PS - I find it really amazing how many first time posters like to put up links to adversting sites. Is it just me?
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    systemplayer, before you get busy setting everyone straight about the legal situation around using devices in the UK (like you did with your duplicate posting over at BJI), I'd just let this one rest.

    I'm content to let your spam linkdropping stay, but don't press your luck.

    And, to the viewers, you can safely assume that "Steve" is the owner of one or more of the roulette sites mentioned. In fact, I'd guess that Steve is actually Mark Howe. Don't waste your time or money.
  5. FMike756

    FMike756 New Member

    Thanks Ken.
  6. Good job, as always, Ken.

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