Don't forget today's $7777 at Global

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by KenSmith, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Looks like I'll miss this one, but you shouldn't.
    Global Player's $7777 Guaranteed Birthday Tournament is tonight at 8 PM Eastern. Entry is $40, rebuys are $20, and it is limited to 125 players.
    Good luck!
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    There you go again Ken

    exposing what Im trying to keep a secret!

  3. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Congrats Dr. Bass

    Super sweet win tonight Dr. Bass taking home $3,499.65. Next time I see you I'll give you 35 cents to make it a cool $3,500. lol Congrats again, thrasht
  4. UTVolfan

    UTVolfan New Member

    Dr. Bass

    Well played by drbass last night. It was an interesting last hand. He was BR2 betting 3rd, and he chose to take a gamble by giving up 2nd low. Applejack (my wife) was BR1, was acting 4th, and had a big decision to make. It turned out to be just too much of a risk for her to try to take back first high. After the cards were dealt she was still in a good position to win, but the dealer busted with his ace, so she was relegated to 2nd. Still not a bad payday.

    Congratulations again to drbass. :)
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Congrats Dr Bass and Applejack

    on your nice play and prizes.

    We got more of a lesson on plying internet and just how unreliable the internet can be during these tournaments. During the first round of games I was playing at a table with UTVOLFAN on the 13th hand we were all bunched up around 1200. I decided to take my shot on the 13th and lost sending me down to 760. This never worries me much but in a weaker position for sure. I planned on breaking it down to 380 per hand and see how it turned out. The connectivity between me an Global froze. I had to restart twice to clear the frozen Global program. This took about 7 minutes. When I got it going again I clicked play and it wouldnt let me play, only observe. I went to leader board and I had advanced with a total of $740, in other words, on auto pilot, I lost my last two hands moving from 760 to 740. In other words I should have had zero dollars. In chat there were some angry beavers that had also, in their opinion, gotten the short end of the stick as they lost connection. Over the past few months of playing on the net I have had these problems some have helped me some have hurt me. The advantage I got in this game with a nice payout I could have done without. I think UTVOLFAN was the person getting the short end here, I am sorry for that.

    BTW, I have a simple way of telling if the connectivity problems are on my side or the servers side. When I get disconnected I pick up my house phone, DSL, and listen for a dial tone. If I hear it my phone line is open.

  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm guessing in most cases of Internet delays, that the problem is neither at your house or at the server end. Instead it's somewhere in between, where your data packets are being delayed or dropped on their way to Antigua or wherever.

    At that level, the Internet is a complicated place.
  7. UTVolfan

    UTVolfan New Member


    Barney, if I remember that round correctly, I knew I had to act first on the last hand, so I think I was trying to position myself ahead of the pack before that time. The way the cards were going, I don't think I had much of a chance anyway.

    As for Global disconnects, I don't buy the "something in between" excuse that they keep throwing out. I am a software developer by trade, so I have some expertise in this area. I believe that either their client software is faulty, or it is a problem with their servers or their ISP. It's too coincidental for 8 or 9 people in different parts of the country to all have the problem at the same time. I didn't have a problem last night, but I have quite a few times in the past, and I am thoroughly convinced it's Global's fault.
  8. micha

    micha New Member

    Actually, I agree with you - no matter where the cause of this problem is, we should program our software to take it into account and make ti transparent to the players. My problem is that I never get detailed reports about what exactly has happened, mostly someone just writes in the chat "I've been booted again" and that's it. Can I ask you all to send us more details when this happens, in particular when exactly it happened, what happened (the game froze or displayed the Retry/Cancel popup or sent me to log in again or displayed some other error, ...), what did you do before, what did you do to get back in etc. There may be many possible causes for this problem, so we need all information we can get to narrow it down.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here you go Micha

    This is the pop-up I received last night during the $7,777 tournament:

    Socket Error 10054
    ELDSocket Error
    TEDIT owner TChannel shrsy - not sure about the last word (shrsy), I was writting it down fast).

    My wife was on her computor and had no problem with her internet connection and we run off the same router.

    Hope this can help you find the problem.
  10. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Clearly the culprit is likely to be a particular piece of networking equipment, sitting in a rack somewhere. It might well be the last 'hop' to GPC that fails, or maybe it is one further step removed. I believe Pumi when he says it is nothing actually within their immediate control, and it was outrageous that he got called a liar last night.

    However, I do think there ought to be more resilience. Once a connection is lost, it seems pretty terminal, suggesting there is a single point of failure somewhere that can't be bypassed. The interent is supposed to inherently avoid such problems, having been designed to let the generals continue to talk to each other after the nuclear bombs have fallen! :eek:
  11. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    The thing to do when multiple people are gettng a problem, all at the same time, is to get them all to run traceroute. That is likely to identify the common point at which all their connections are failing,
  12. micha

    micha New Member

    Yes, that would be the right thing if I wantd to find the router that doesn't work. I don't care, though :), because I cannot change this (our routers are fine). I want to identify the piece of our code that fails to react properly.
  13. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I agree, that would be the long-term solution; but in the short term, if the faulty equipment belongs to the company from which you get your internet connection you might feel like giving them a call and complaining!

    They might have someone on site who can instantly re-boot it or switch it off, and if it is the same equipment repeatedly failing, it might need replacing.

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