Dry Spells

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by AceDonovan, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I guess the 'bad beats' thread got me thinking and I'm curious:

    What's the longest dry spell you've had without being 'in the money'? What does it do to your mental state at the tables? Are you someone that has a short memory and can put those tough losses aside, or do you build up some serious frustration.

    For example, I feel I've been playing decently lately, but have been beaten on the final hand at the semi-final table so often the past 6 months it's a mathematical miracle. :joker:

    Actually, I've hit 3 final tables this month, but those were online (which I count a little differently) and none of them paid, they were all qualifiers for another tourney.

    Anyways, I'm just curious what kind of frustrations other people have dealt with. At what point do you start questioning your game? Do you wonder if you're ever gonna see that final table again? Do you ask yourself why you keep playing if you're not winning?, Or are you tough skinned enough to ignore it and approach the next table as if you own it? etc, etc, etc.....

    Obviously not a subject that probably makes people smile too much, but I figured it might be a fun discussion anyways.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I'm still on the learning curve myself. Online I've got my record book that I started and I will post the results once I hit 100 games (in the near future :rolleyes: )

    I've gone thru lots of ups and downs and yesterday getting knocked out in the first round really sucked. :mad:

    In fact the only time I've hit any $ down here was at the table with Ken.

    Today's sit-n-go's will prove interesting as it should be mostly BJ people since the poker tourney is just starting.

    So for me, dry spell, winning streak - it's all good. BTW I didn't know this island was a desert! Actual photo here of the North Shore

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  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Open question?

    Playing in BJ tournaments is something I enjoy doing and between the tournaments and regular play I've come out ahead over all, which tends to make it easier to enjoy and a lot easier to get your wife to agree to letting you go...LOL

    The money is the big draw, but I also enjoy the players. It is nice to get together every month or so and kid around with everyone.

    I can only speak for myself, but I don't base my livelyhood on tournament play so I can get over a loss faster because of that.

    Over the years I have seen several players go on streaks, (mostly losing) but you just have to hang in there, your time will come.

    Now I don't know if this really answered all your questions, I only answer based on myself.
  4. ProfGlitch

    ProfGlitch New Member

    I've not made money on any multi-tables in over three weeks... -except- the first night UB turned the midnight $1.10 into a $200 guaranteed instead of $1000 guaranteed. I was quite upset ;)

    In my last six BJ multis, I have come one position from money four times. In my last three poker multis, I have come within five positions from money -all three times-. It is amazingly demoralizing, yes.
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    This last year for me has been like being involved in a one legged ass kicking contest.

    Ive watched you play Ace and I feel your pain because you come close enough to feel it and then get bombed out...I have done much the same.

    Keep a positive attitude...you too may soon be pulling... all in wins with hard 17 against dealer ten up. ( I call that Ken Smithenit)

    I dont get near enough live action play as I would like ...I gotta drive to Niagra Falls...3 hours...the game is pretty good though..

    My local Indian Casino bought 3 seats last year for the big dealy...I won a few satts for that which payed 5 grand a piece but lost the trip to vegas by one darn BJ....

    Ive pretty much given up regular Black Jack...our game 8 deck shoe bad rules they dont give crap because they have lots of boneheads that play anyway...well its just no fun.

    I just send them a few grand every so often now and kick myself in the nuts...saves me driving up there and getting smoked out..lol

    Refine your game...read Ken Smiths hints, keep knocking on the doors...one day you will start getting more 9's when hitting 12 against dealer 2 or 3 ..than the typical ten we get.

    You play a good game....no matter what some "pros" want you to think...its not just skill..you gotta have both.....skill and luck.

    It really is like cold sale calls....gotta keep knocking.

    Sadly this new legislation has kicked us all in the ball$ ...just as we get some new sites and some new tournament games they pull the rug from under us.

    I dont intend to stop and I will take advantage of any loophole as they are discovered....

    Keep playing..keep smiling...its fun to be at a table with you.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You've got that right! Twice lately, I've had this exact hand all-in. Once in Aruba, in the main event semifinals. Then, the same situation during the St Kitts qualifier I won. Both times the dealer busted and bailed me out.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So Ace,

    How has the spell been for you in St. Kitts?

    Remember this thread?
  8. noman

    noman Top Member

    Dry Spell Answer to ACE:

    You saw my melt down, hey?

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