Durant, OK starts new tournament...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Last Thursday the Choctaw casino in Durant, OK started their new blackjack tournament. They are using the same rules as they did in the WSOB qualifier last month.

    The qualifying is held on Thursdays and Saturdays starting at 3:00 pm and held at both the new and old casinos.

    The format, rules, entries, re-buys, payouts, and times we all be the same as the WSOB qualifiers were.

    WSOB format;

    $100,000 starting bank roll with $1,000 - $50,000 limits
    Two knockout cards and one power chip.
    Only one player advances from each table.

    The finals will be held on Feb. 24th.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Lots of no shows...

    Wow, Swog and I are up here for the Durant, OK $30,000 BJ tournament and not many more...LOL

    The Durant "Choctaw" casino has been holding qualifiers for about 6 weeks now. However due to several weeks of bad weather they started offering extra seats for their $30,000 event (which is today 25th date change).

    They also were holding wild card drawings to fill up the remainder of the tournament field + hosting wild cards throughout the tournament. The problem is they didn't even have enough players show up to fill the event from the wild cards...LOL

    It is a nice casino and they are using the WSOB format for this tournament. Hopefully either Swog or I (hope both) will cash today (only about 70 players or so in todays tournament).

    I'll report back the the final results.

    Play is CRAZY up here, I saw two players in session one go max. bets of $50,000 (of course they won...LOL), 2nd bet same (one hit a BJ...LOL), third hand the same guy catches a 14 (10/4) and uses his power chip to get rid of his 4 (note this is only the third hand and he is up over 2 max bets...LOL). And of course he draws another 10 for 20 and yet another win...LOL.

    The nice thing about this table is niether Swog or I was at it, thank god...LOL
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2007
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Opp's, spoke to soon...LOL

    Wow, sometimes you just gotta laugh and go on, today was one of those days...LOL.

    Let's see on Swogs table they had one guy over two max bets ahead ($50,000 max bet) and still betting $50,000 a time. He was DD on HARD 12 vs. dealers pictures and winning...LOL. Poor Swog I'm going to call and check on him...LOL

    My table was just as bad, our table leader was hitting Hard 14 vs dealers 5 up and caught a 6 while I had 7/4 and caught a 2. Another hand he did about the same thing only he had a hard 15 and caught a 5...LOL.

    What you going to do...LOL. If this type of things made us give up BJ tournaments none of us would still be playing.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2007

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