Earn some spending money by updating the calendar

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    The current event calendar has many outdated listings. I'm looking for someone to put some time into cleaning up the listings by visiting web sites and calling the casinos to inquire about the status of events.

    I'm offering $200 via PayPal to someone willing to commit to 40 hours of work for the project. It may take less time than that but if it goes over we'll reevaluate.

    What's involved:

    • You can use your current user account, or I can create a special account for this purpose if you prefer to not tie your username to all the updates.
    • You'll be checking the casino listing state by state and using the websites of the casinos as a starting point.
    • Probably in most cases you'll end up having to make a call to the casino. Expect difficulties in getting the right answers.
    • Time for calls is probably best during the evenings when the table games staff is present, or the events are scheduled.
    • You'll want some sort of unlimited calling plan or Skype type phone setup so you don't run up a bill.
    I expect to make a few enhancements to the calendar software before we begin.

    Interested? If so send me a private message. Interested parties will be taken in the order received.
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    If you remember a few months ago I was complaining about what I saw as a worthless weekly/daily game calendar. Out of the frustration I called to clear that days listings. I posted the outcome. I'm guessing, from that experience, the actual hourly rate will be much higher if anyone chooses to attempt this task. Likely 30-40$$/hr. for the 200 bucks. fwiw. If it were slow season I would do it. BTW, surprisingly the answers from the casino personnel came quick and easy. I was surprised.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I have received a response already. I'll get to work on the enhancements this week.

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