EBJ at the Club

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Its maddening, yes the points depletion is maddening. If you enter a 1000 TP game the prize pool is good as we saw last night with the 1000$ game. You can be sure it will be 5 rounds. So you plop down 1000 TPS and hope for the best during round 1. You make it thru the bombing run raids and find yourself in round 2. You take hits swing batter batter and eliminated. Thats it 1000 TPs gone! JMO but we should get at least half back for making round 2. If you survive thru two rounds you get a whopping extra 100 TPs receiving 1100 back. Which is a heck of a lot better than losing 100 I admit:D

    Also, I would redesign the game. I would eliminate the all in potential aka 25K max bet and limit it down to 12500 max bet. Eliminate the split bank button.

    JMO. I hope this isnt considered a bash:eek:
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    #$%@%* :joker:

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  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    This system at the Club is MUCH better than the old system. All you have to do is make it past round 1 and you haven't lost anything. I like the way it is - just my opinion.

    Why? Allowing a 25K max bet is usually beneficial when the dealer is hot. I've won many a round before hand 8 like this. However when the dealer dumps 3-4 in a row - well you've got to be adaptable.

    With regard to the split bank button - use it to your advantage. Most players, newbie's use this rather than taking the time to calculate the correct bet(s). When they secret bet 75% of the time you know in advance what it is (well at least I do). It's when you play against the experienced players you have to really think.

    No Barney I disagree - I like the existing format, betting limits, etc., It makes for a fast game and keeps a person on their toes.

    Just be careful or you'll be lumped with the kitten smothers next! ;)
  4. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    Yes, many players hit the split bank button almost every hand! I agree with your point, it's not only useful when they secret bet but any hand you have to bet before them.

    In fact, I would like the addition of a "Last Bet" button as well to automatically select the same bet as previous hand.
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    If its a 5 round game you have to make it to the third round to get points back. The third round is the quarter final. So, if you make it thru round one in a 5 round game you get zero points. If Im wrong the Club owes me a lot of points! :)

    The problem with the all in and split bank button is the rabbit. All in bets are what you find in Indian casinos, but so are short heats like to hand 8.
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    The choice is yours but if everyone at the table bets big and you min bet and the dealer dumps 4 out of 7 - yeah you are left in the dust. But that's not the fault of EBJ or the Club!

    Remember you don't have to beat everyone every hand - just don't be BRL on hand 9, 17 or 26!

    The good thing about The Club is if you bomb out and lose all your points in those events when you wake up the next morning viola! 500 more to start the day.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Cant min bet at the Club

    Or yur toast! If you have 4 players max or split betting at least a couple of them run. The reason TBJPA has a 2/5 max bet is to make the game better. Indian casinos using the carnival mentality use the EBJ limits. But a game is a game you gotta play it as its offered. JMO, the betting limit should be lowered to protect the sanity of the game. It wont be so....

    The 500 points every morning you bust is like a teaser. Do you know how hard it is to gain another 500? HARD. On a good day making 4 or 5 final poker table I have gained over 700 for low limit games but now a-days with a few more players the poker points arent as easy to come by. If I deplete down to 500 it could take me a week to get to 1000 if things are going poorly in poker. To make the club worth it we need to play big TP games and go for the big prizes. The satellites are hard to win entry because the give so few seats in the big games. So, in BJ if you dont make quarters for a few 1000tp games you are in trouble. I might say Im in trouble because I only have 1400 points to my name! LOL I think the Club will see many of the early members get low on points. Could cause many members to get bored and then click the un-registor button.

    BTW, Ted has posted on the equity problem at the club or inequity...
  8. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    The ones that luck out early very often come back down. You just gotta be patient, even if they appear to back off. Sometimes the ones that back off a bit start betting big again later in the round, or they don't back off enough. Just concentrate on the ones in your bankroll neighborhood and let the dealer's advantage do your work for you against the wildcats. It's not a guaranteed formula for winning every game, but it wins you more than your share over the long run.

    Sometimes the dealer dumps and and pays several aggressive bettors at your table. You can still stay in it with a successful all in.

    EBJ by any other name is still blackjack, which means there's a dealer advantage. Over the course of hundreds of online tournament rounds the ones who bet the least will have the most.
  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Sit & Go's


    Just play sit & go's. They have a 100% overlay in points. You should be able to average a ten point increase per game playing blindfolded. About half the opponents are max/half bet wonders. If you're actually paying attention and using strategy you'll do much better than that. I win the first place prize of a hundred points at least a third of the time.

    The $20 tournaments every night are a good source of points. Most of the players are fairly bad. If you win one round you increase your account by fifty points (70 minus 20 buy in.)

    In the past two weeks I've increased MrsMonkey from 500 to 2,500 just like this, playing an hour or two watching TV with the account's owner... ;)
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    The SNG portion is an excellent source of points!

    BTW Barney Ted's talking about the point inequality deals mainly with the differences between poker and BJ awarding the number of players. With the 100% SNG for EBJ it MORE than makes up for any point deficiency.
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I have

    not seen this easy winning at the SnG table for BJ. Most of what Ive seen is this. 4 or more half or all ins with at least two rabbits to 3x starting BR. At elimination hand usually 3 players have over 50k and if you dont have 50k you risk elimination because the other rabbits have died on hand 7!:eek:

    But Ill play more, I have only played a few. Ill be looking for you guys.
  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Well played 1hr of SnGs. Got 3 games in 1 win, 1 2nd, 1 nada. Since this is probably an OK win rate it will take 10 hrs to make enough for a 1000 TP game.

    This is fine for anyone wanting to work at it and its fun too. But I still say, in 5 round EBJ tournaments pay half the TPs back for advancing period. So you qualify from round 1 and you get 50% of your points back or 500 TPs. Thats way better than playing 5hrs of SnGs!
  13. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    I agree with Barney

    For a rare occasion as far as UBT related topics go, I'm going to agree with Barney on this one
    I may have been one of few voices in the beginning that did not have a problem with the point system,
    Pre 500 a day switch there was a structure to the way people got into tournaments,
    You started with 100 points and for instance to get into the $500 or $1000 tournaments you had to do a lot more then take a lucky shot of going all in in the $10 and $20 tournaments, This kept some sanity to the larger tournaments whilst making the lesser skilled player realize that to get into the bigger tournaments the 'blow my points because i have more coming tomorrow’ system did not work.

    What happened then was the club listened to a section of players who simply did not see why they should have to do any work to get into the bigger tournaments thus the 500 system was born and hell has broken loss, The result being that the donks rule, Where as before if you entered a 1000 point tournament the play was mostly controlled with the odd lunatic getting eliminated, Now the same people who were confined to smaller tournaments by there 'i get more points tomorrow attitude' have flooded the bigger tournaments, the result is a couple will make there max bet 3 times in a row hand 1-3 bets and that means getting to qtr's when this can happen in the first 2 rounds is much harder.

    The way out I don't believe is just to make more points available in earlier rounds, this on its own although needed now due to the massive increase of members on the site would alas give the crazy bet people even more chances at coming back, I think a 2 courses of action are needed, Daily points dropped to around 250 and points back in the 2nd round, even if it's half of the buy in.
  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


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  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Mace dont forget Im bullish on ClubUBT! I like it and recommend it!

    Glad you came back

  16. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    So am I (Bullish on ClubUBT) but feel my idea will make more skilful bigger tournaments and teach the 'more points tomorrow crowd' that tomorrow never comes lol
  17. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    One thing

    There is a player ticker on the the games page. It went to about 1700 last night that I saw. For the most part its running well below 1000 during peak hours. Im bullish on the product the Club has and its chances of sucess. But by watching the ticker things are slow. I dont see us having better prize packages anytime soon. We need to see several thousand players ffor it to add up.
  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    But what is the difference between this and real life?

    How many times have you been at live events and 1 or 2 players go all-in early and build up a big lead?

    What's wrong with that? I mean the odds ARE against them making those early hands and I'm been at tables where the players advancing all have less than 15,000 chips.

    I don't understand your commenta about people who were "confined to smaller tournaments"

    In a pay one price and play as often as you like no one should be confined to anything. With Club UBT giving 200% TP in the EBJ SNG one REALLY shouldn't have a problem getting points at this time - unless you're in a slump or just a below average player.
  19. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    FGK, how many hours do you think it would take you to win 500 points playing SnGs? Considering you need 1000 TPs to play a big game and you get 500 to start you need 500. So how long would it take you to win 500 SnG points?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2007

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