Ed Thorp and "advantage dying"

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by zengrifter, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. zengrifter

    zengrifter Member

    Ed Thorp to be Frozen and reanimated along with Don Laughlin. zg

    Scottsdale Times - John Dickerson

    Multimillionaires scheduled to freeze their corpses at Scottsdale-based Alcor's cryonics facility are now creating multimillion-dollar trust funds for future spending in their next life. Some descendent relatives aren't too hot on the idea

    If everything goes as planned, Laughlin, Nevada, founder Don Laughlin, 75, will die an unusual death. The final beat of his heart and compression of his lungs will end like anyone else's, but the minutes to follow the flat-lined EKG will be a frenzied rush of technicians and experiments. Trained cryonics specialists will pump cryopreservative fluid through his veins. An ambulance will roar through Scottsdale traffic, delivering him to a white, hospital-like room where a neurologist will drill small holes into his skull.

    ... continued here - http://scottsdaletimes.com/mar06-feature1.shtml

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