Elimination Blackjack - Your thoughts! (Official Thread)

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Sidekick, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    Let's start fresh.

    With the initial release of UB and not Bet21 and PlayUbt, what are your thoughts around "elimination blackjack?"

    I don't care about the freerolls or giveways and how they are or aren't being presented. It is the game that counts. If I wanted something, I'll go to Chucky Cheese tonight.

    For myself, elimination blackjack has flipped blackjack upside down, in a good away. The "secret bet" required both skill but also LUCK.

    Everyday, you should do the following:
    1. log onto Bet21 and check the schedule
    2. log onto UBT and check the schedule
    3. check this board
    4. check youtube.com for some silly stuff
    5. Enjoy Life!

  2. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    my heart, my heart please
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    I Like It

    I can only comment from the UB site.

    A few gremlins still need to be sorted out with the software but on the whole I like it.

    However, if you look at the posts on here regarding all of the Elimination Blackjack Tournament sites, their customer service departments appear to leave a lot to be desired.

    Having someone like Pumi from Global in their chat rooms in order to give a bit of advice or technical help would not have gone amiss.

    Why UBT and their affiliated Casino sites have still not put up representatives on here to iron out some of these problems is still completely beyond me.

    What is the current membership Ken?

  4. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Good for TV

    I think the television presentation works well.

    As far as it being a good game, I haven't made up my mind yet.
  5. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Gremlins on BJ tournament. com

    Hey Ken

    Check out the post by Ace.

    He is still being shown as a Senior player rather than Elite.

    Andy ;)
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Ace has been upgraded. Thanks Andy!

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