Elimination Hands

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    BRL 48,000
    BRL-1 66,000

    BRL bets table max 25,000 (as secret bet)
    BRL-1 bets 8,000 openly


    BRL 10-10
    BRL-1 9-2

    Dealer shows 10

    Question what is BRL's BEST move?

    My thought is to split the 10-10 to get more $ on the table, even though the dealer has a face showing. What's your thought?
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    BRL can't split, because he bet more than half his bank.

    Let's ignore that fact for a moment...
    My "at the table" play assuming he was able to split is still to stand, but I could easily be wrong here. I'll have to take a look at the numbers.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2007
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Oops, it looks like I was very wrong with my off the cuff answer.

    Standing with 20 gives BRL 19.4%
    Splitting looks like 33.4%, although my software doesn't handle splits cleanly, so I tested two hands X $24,000 with each being a hard 10.

    Anyone else want to give it a try to confirm my numbers?

    I guess the opponent's hand of 11 is stronger than I expected, particularly when a push by BRL is worthless regardless.
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    DOH :eek:

    No wonder BRL didn't split!

    This was a game I was observing and that just went WAY OVER my head! Thanks for pointing that out Ken!
  5. BlueLight

    BlueLight Active Member

    Splitting is better

    If BRL-1 (66,000) bet 8,000 is going to double his 9+2
    Then BRL (48,000) with an initial bet of 24,000 advances as follows:

    BRL stands........19.50%
    BRL splits and stands after one card on each 10.........33.63%

  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Same Topic Different Question

    Last hand,

    No Secret bets

    Betting amounts min = 100 max bet 1000 and NO doubling for less!

    BR1 1,000
    BR2 800

    BR1 bets first

    What is the OPTIMAL bet for BR1? I'd love to see what others think about this situation and why!
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    So are you saying that if BR1 bet 600 he wouldn't be able to DD for his remaining stack?


  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    YES! It sucks but that is the way the Blackjack21.com software works!
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Nice teaser fgk!

    BR2 can make 2000 if he goes all-in a gets a BJ. BR1 could cover that with all-in himself but that would leave the option of taking the low to BR2 with the likelihood that he wouldn't be able to surrender out of it. 500 would allow some slack since he could double up and may be able to surrender to the low depending on what BR2 does but it wouldn't cover BR2s all-in. What I would probably do is forget about the BJ possibility and bet 399 which I could double to beat a max bet win or surrender to beat a push or loss.

    I didn't choose 601 since if I were BR2 and BR1 bet 601 to cover my all -in win I might bet small enough to stop BR1 from surrendering (198) and take the low but which could be doubled to beat a BR1 push.

    BR1 could try a trap, say 250, and hope BR2 goes for it.

    I'm sure their are better bets though...


  10. tgun

    tgun Member

    bet ?

    Off-the-cuff, I'd bet $195.

  11. rounder21

    rounder21 New Member

    Yes I agree...

    And if he bet half his BR, Curt's Revenge could still beat him.

  12. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    what if BR2 bets 600 or more?

    If BR1 bet 195 and I was BR2 I'd bet at least 600 but probably all-in. This would lock BR1 out of doubling to retake the high if they bet 195 initially. Betting 301-399 allows BR1 to double to take the high over an all-in from BR2 as well as allowing them to surrender back to the absolute low.


  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Reachy & Tgun,

    Thanks for the replies - too bad we couldn't get more people to put their .02 worth into this discussion. I guess it is just "below" the experts....so!

    I had lots of thoughts about this one as I had recently started playing at a site that had the 100 min 1000 max and allowing betting 1.00 increments.

    My bet as BR1 would be to use my secret bet - oops wrong site :rolleyes:

    Therefore I would bet 401 as BR1.


    This allows me options. First off it takes away BR2 from betting 1/2 bankroll which is what a lot of players like to do. Sure if BR2 bets 400 it is corrolation time. But what I am trying to do is "force" BR2 into betting max.

    Why force BRL to bet max? It severely limits BRL's options. Me on the other hand.....

    So I bet 401

    If BRL decides to take the low and bets 100 what happens?

    If the dealer gets BJ I, as BR1 lose. This happens what like 3% of the time? I'll take the 97% odds on that NOT happening.

    Now if the dealer gets a face THEN it gets interesting.

    If I surrender my 401 bet then I have 799.50. I've taken the low back and forced BRL to win the hand. I don't have to worry about dd anytime so once again I go with the odds that the dealer makes a hand 77% of the time.

    The other possibility if I bet 401 is that BRL goes all-in for an 800 bet.

    Once again I have options, unless the BJ pops up in which case I lose. Now it depends on the cards that appear.

    If the dealer wins - then I win. If the dealer gets a bust card I can DD for 200, or split.

    I just like multiple options and that's why I chose the 401!

    Any thoughts?
  14. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Edward de bono

    I like the fact that you are "thinking outside the box" but I still prefer the 399 bet. Why? Better odds when surrendering since a BR2 push as well as a BR2 win will beat BR1 with a bet 0f 401; with either bet you may still have to double to win if BR2 takes the high; and I'm not sure that getting BR2 to go all-in gives you any more edge than them betting 1/2 all-in.

    My "outside the box thinking": even with a BR1 401 bet a bet of 400 by BR2 has its merits as a flex bet and it forces BR1 to make a decision. If BR1 has a winning hand and stands BR2 doubles for a 31% chance of success. If BR1 surrenders then BR2 has to win or push. If BR1 doubles then BR2 has the low and can play the hand out. If BR2 surrenders then he buys BR1s loss. I'm not saying it's the best bet but it's food for thought :) .


  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks for your input. My initial choice in this case was 400.

    I figued that would give the low and still had the opportunity to double down.

    Then I wondered about adding the 1.00. I was trying to figure out the difference I would gain and not sure the extra 1.00 is worth giving up the low.

    Plus in order for the 401 vs. 399 to force BR2 to go max how many players would be able to differentiate?
  16. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Similar Situation To Curts Revenge

    If you bet 301 to 399 your opponent is likely to go all in. Then you have the low with the option to double aggressively to cover the high. You also have the additional option of surrendering if your opponent has a likely push and your hand is worse.

    If your opponent attempts to take the low you can surrender to force the double if your chance of losing a single bet is greater than his chance of winning the double.
  17. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So in this case what would YOU bet at BR1?

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