Elimination TBJ

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by fgk42, Sep 1, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well I've had some time to digest the UB EBJT (elimination BJ tourney) and I am quite impressed.

    Yesterday I sat at a table with two other members from BJT.com. I had a much better time then I've had at Global as the pace is much quicker - not a dull moment.

    In the end I was lucky enought to make it past the 3 elimination rounds. It came down to me and the other BJT.com member for the final 5 rounds.

    It was THE STUDENT vs. THE MASTER. For the final 5 rounds we battled back and forth but in the end the experience and savy of THE MASTER was too much - alas a second place finish. Nevertheless another valuable lesson learned.

    I think that the secret bet is awsome!

    Playing the DD card DOWN is much more difficult and while it doesn't change the statistics changes your thought processes and makes it more complicated.

    On another note. Once again I was able to play in 3 sit-n-go tables at 0300 this morning and a 14 multi-table sit-n-go at the same time. Imagine that happening on Global or BJ21? NEVER

    I guess the vampires all hang out at UB!

    Since they have so many tables and the wait isn't that long, why not have a "poll" to decide whe BJT.com members can play against each other? Say a Tuesday night at 2000 EST (or something else that is convenient) register for a 21 player 1.00 multi-player tourney!

    Just food for thought!
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Rematch ?

    Well played FGK 42 ;)

    You made me earn it, no walk in the park .

  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    It's crack-jack!

    I'm addicted to it! I'm not sure whether it's the ready availability of games or the fact that you could go out at different points in the game but there is definitely something about it. You can't just sit back and wait for the last few hands, you've got to be working in almost all of the hands (I KNOW of players who actually don't participate in the 1st 1/2 of Global tourneys they play, they just let the software time out and play min. bet for them and they only actively participate from about hand 10 onwards).

    I know the face down DD card and secret bets are controversial amongst some players with the argument that it reduces skill levels and increase the luck factor but I'm not sure I agree. It certainly changes the dynamic of the game.

    As for the elimination hands they certainly seem to lead to increased flux with people betting larger so that they can avoid being BRL (I'm not sure Wong used that abbreviation in CTS so I may have just invented it - BR Last if you haven't guessed ;) ) With the larger bets they are of course exposing themselves at the low end which may defeat the object.

    Just some thoughts.


  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    ""(I KNOW of players who actually don't participate in the 1st 1/2 of Global tourneys they play, they just let the software time out and play min. bet for them and they only actively participate from about hand 10 onwards).""

    Dont make me go DERFy now. :gun:
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Going postal!

    He's not a mailman is he? And anyways hasn't he been barred from BJ for a while by his better half? See you soon derf!;)



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