English words?

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by fgk42, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Fear Mongering

    Just out of curiosity I wonder what the top 5 fears would be for people on BJT.com?

    5. onlinegamingbillophobia
    4. wrongbetophobia
    3. splittingtensophobia
    2. eliminationophobia

    And the Number One is………………………

    1. RandoJoeppostophobia :eek:
  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    I hope you don’t mind but I added more to your list of phobia’s.

    Cyberphobia: Fear of computers. If you have this your probably not reading this.

    Pantophobia: Fear of everything. Not much you can do about that.

    Kakorrhaphiophobia: Fear of failure. Who wants to lose.

    Bibliophobia: Fear of books or afraid you might learn something by reading some books on tournament blackjack.

    Macrophobia: Fear of prolonged waiting Which happens a lot at Global.

    Chrematophobia: Fear of money. Yeah right.

    Pentekaidekaphobia: Fear of the number 15. Hit or surrender.

    Hekkaidekaphobia: Fear of the number 16. Hit or surrender. Easier decision with this one.

    Ochlophobia: Fear of crowds or signing up for one of the free-rolls at UBT/Bet21.

    These phobia’s are more related to live play.

    Photophobia: Fear of light or cameras.

    Scopophobia: Fear of being looked at when you do something stupid during the game.

    Ophthalmophobia: Fear of being stared at when you take to long to make a decision on the hand.

    Claustrophobia: Fear of closed spaces. How can you make a secret bet if you can’t go into the booth?

    Onomatophobia: Fear of hearing a certain word, such as you have been eliminated.

    Pentheraphobia: Fear or hatred of one’s mother-in-law. I just through that one in.

    Last but not least.

    Dodekaphobia: Fear of the number 12. This one I have to admit I suffer with. It seems like 98% of the time when I get this hand I bust with 22. But I think Joep helped me overcome this fear. Thanks Joep.

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Signing off

    Good ones there Pergo - I can always count on you and Reachy to produce that little chuckle - just what the Dr. ordered.

    Ok, in light of the requested week of peace and tranquility I changed my avatar, quit the sarcasms and tried to lighten up on the “humor” aspect. Now I’ve decided to take it one step farther and refrain from any more posting for an entire week. True peace for readers here and less blasting from the administrators!

    I’m going to take this time and strive for additional research time, reading, studying and to see about making St. Kitts a reality. In addition I want to complete some more of the light fiction that I was writing. I’ve decided on a title: Blood, guts and blackjack.

    So until next week farewell – I’ll see ya at the tables.
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    bj literature


    As far as the vow of silence goes there is no need for you to do it. I too enjoy your posts and the forum would not be quite as good without your input.

    As for the writing, keep it up. Apart from the books on the MIT teams I'm not aware of any other non-manual-based BJ books. Poker has a vast library of fiction/biography/prose, a lot of which I have read. TBJ could do with something similar. If you haven't already read them I recommend "The Biggest Game in Town" by Al Alvarez and "Big Deal" by Anthony Holden, both British writers and both books considered amongst the best on poker. I also really enjoyed "The Education of a Poker Player" by Herbert O'Yardley.



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