"Every other week" events?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm still reworking the tournament calendar code, and I wonder if anyone knows of events that are reliably held "every other week", or even some other multiple of weeks between.

    Island View in Gulfport almost fits this, but I think they are not reliable on the dates. I think for that example we'll still need to add individual event dates as they are announced. (The current limitation of 12 event dates will be eliminated, so this gets easier.)

    So, are there any "every other week" events out there?
  2. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member


    I have no specific examples of events repeated bi-weekly but, when it comes to user interface design, I believe that one should be as flexible as possible.

    In this instance, the repetition options of modern calendars would probably be a good model. Most offer a variety of daily, weekly, monthly and yearly intervals. For odd instances within a series, most calendars also allow you to modify an individual event within the series. This might be a way to handle the Island View situation.

    In the case of the bi-weekly interval you're asking about, I would think that it would be easy to provide, so I would do it regardless of the existence of a real-world example.
  3. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Calendar View

    While writing my previous post and suggesting the use of modern calendars as a model, it occurred to me that an actual calendar view of the events would be nice. Perhaps there is even calendaring software available for this purpose, which would save you the effort of writing the code yourself.

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