Father's Day $FREEROLL$

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by bear, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. bear

    bear New Member

    Hey Gang,

    Bear here.... Wishing all you Daddy's out there a Happy Father's Day Weekend!!

    To celebrate, Blackjack21 is hosting a lit'l ol' $FREEROLL$ on Sunday Night. So, when you're done spending time with your family... come and join us at Blackjack21.

    Entry requires only 5 VP POINTS... If you are new to the site, you can earn 5 VP POINTS by playing in just a handful of games.

    "Daddy needs a new pair of shoes" so we're going to give away a couple hundred dollars that nite.

    Start time is 9pm EST / 6pm PST. Registration is now open!

    We'll see you there!

    Papa Bear
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Free, but...

    I have never had any problems over at Blackjack21.com, but I tried to sign in today to register for their Fathers day free roll, however everytime I tried to login in I received the following message.

    When I contacted them on the live chat feature they offer (you don't have to be sign on to use it). I talked with George who informed me they were aware of the problem.

    I never did get a reply to when or if they would have the site ready before tomorrows event.

    I would really like to play in this event, but I'm not playing any site that is not secure, it just isn't worth the risk.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Still saying NOT SECURE!

    I have tried to sign up a few times today, for the Blackjack21.com Fathers day free roll event, however I am still getting the internet warning that it is not a secure site.

    I ended up using and old computor system I have and tried signing up with that computor. I have no personel information on it nor have to worry about getting anything on that system, so I signed up using it. I hope it will be fast enough for the event.

    I'm disappointed that Blackjack21.com didn't have there site certified before this event, but I still want to thank them for offering a free roll to the players. Currently I saw 34 signed up for tonights event.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2007
  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    Rick, I think you are slightly misunderstanding the meaning of security here.

    When connecting to a web site with which you will be exchanging sensitive information, there are two issues -
    1. You would like to be sure that the site is what it claims to be. i.e. it is really the site operated by the business that you know and (hopefully) trust, and not some crooked site masquerading as the one you want.
    2. You don't want the sensitive information that you enter into the site - password, credit card number, etc. to be visible to anybody spying on the internet traffic.

    It's not about the contents of your PC being secure, it's about the information which you volunteer whenever you access the site; so using a different PC is not the answer. E.g., you don't want someone spying on your password and then using it to clear out your account!

    The second of the above two requirements is met by encryption, indicated by the padlock or a similar symbol, and the site address starting 'https://' rather than 'http://'.

    I'm a bit unsure of the exact details, but I believe the first of the above requirements is addressed by obtaining a security certificate from one of a handful of agencies that have been set up administer these. The certificates, I believe, also incorporate the encryption mechanism (the public/private keys, if that means anything to you).

    I'm not sure why they expire, other than so that the agencies can charge a renewal fee. :) Possibly it's so that a check can be made that the reputable business that was originally granted the certificate is still operating the same web site.

    It seems that blackjack21's certificate has expired and that they have not yet renewed it. It looks like encryption still takes place, however; you still get the padlock symbol, although I suppose that could be an error.

    So, if you are happy that the site is the genuine site (you might want to get confirmation by telephone, rather than live chat), then the only issue is whether your password is definitely being encrypted, as the padlock symbol seems to indicate.

    I'm already logged in, so that particular horse has bolted. I'll just have to cross my fingers (and maybe change my password, once the certificate has been renewed.)
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thanks LC

    Yes I was concerned about my private information getting out, thanks.

    I ended up playing on one of my older systems just to play it safe, I didn't want any bugs in either my laptop or desktop.

    Of course I wasn't on long enough for anyone to hack into my system...LOL

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