Feedback for Blackjack tournaments to be made by UB competitor

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Simieski, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Simieski

    Simieski New Member

    I am currently helping to create casino tournaments for one of UB's competitors :D . I have looked at these forums and I think all you guys post some great stuff.

    Now the sucking up is done I need to ask you all a huge favour!! Please could you all in 5 bullet points come up with the 5 main things you look for in a Blackjack tournament. Please also comment if you can on what you think could be improved in the UB tournaments.

    Thanks a million :confused:
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Your biggest problem is going to be drawing in players. UBT has a monster pool of poker players that are easy to grab. The best thing for a tournament site is a player pool. No pool no swimming, if you know what I mean.


  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Totally agree with Barney, you need the players for it to be a success. You mention you work for one of UB's competitors so are you already established as a poker site? If so how many players do you have online on average? I guess you won't say who it is you work for either?

    1. Easy to use interface, especially for placing bets, and with the ability to bet in advance of your go
    2. Minimum of 15 rounds, ideally more
    3. Easy to use in-game chat with a general chat room where all players can visit regardless of which table they are on or whether they are playing or not
    4. Regular MTT at all times of the day so that us Europeans don't have to stay up till 3am
    5. Chance to win entry to land-based tourneys like WSOB, UBT and any other big tourney tours that will spin off from this.

    That's for starters

    And for fun, why not allows us to choose avatars instead of empty chairs?


  4. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    5 points

    • Freerolls
    • Number of Available tournaments
    • Number of players (related to previous)
    • Secure, stable site that's not gonna dump me out of a tournament
    • Did I mention Freerolls?
  5. Simieski

    Simieski New Member

    Great Feedback guys

    Already established with a large player base, so that will not be an issue. Is hard to say the average amount of players online, the software is still a long way off and will most probably be launched without multiplayer and multiplayer functionality, but purely as a leaderboard tournament. I know this is lame guys, but thats out of my hands, this is a very very slow process. I'm afraid you're right I can't divulge which company it is I work for, all I can say is once this is launched fully it will be far better than what UB have now.

    It will be interesting to see how many other people put chat as a top 5 priority. I agree would spice up casino quite a bit to include avatars.

    Thanks for the quick feedback.

  6. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    Some of these are going to be duplicates of what others posted, but these are MY top 5....

    --Plenty of players for tourneys & sit & go's

    --LIVE support for technical & other problems

    --Fast & easy deposit/withdrawl process

    --Tournaments daily & many times during the day (so my schedule won't restrict my play)

    --Freerolls & other special events
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    My Top 5 things when looking for a TBJ site

    1. Being able to withdraw my money when I want WITHOUT hassle (personal thing here! :flame: )
    2. Being able to get a tournament going
    3. Early surrender
    4. Pre-set betting
    5. Fast acting - not too slow like some sites (zzzzzzzzzzz factor)
    6. 5-7 players only Who likes playing with 10 players???????
    7. Chat available without opening another screen
    8. Dealers who like to bust (dreaming here)
    9. Re-buys for tourneys and wildcards
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Also check out this thread started by a "competitior"

    Personally I think you biggest problem is getting enough players. I can't speak for others but when I want to practice at TBJ I don't want to sit around and wait for 4-5 other people t show up!
  9. Simieski

    Simieski New Member

    Thanks bjk!! Your comments are really appreciated.

    Please anyone else, even if your comments will be duplicates, keep them coming.

    Well Get21 and Bet21 have both launched tournament blackjack this last week, looks pretty good, a long way ahead of what we have.

    But there is still only one major egaming company to launch, UB, this will be our only real competition once we are up and running. It will be interesting to see if there will be any more big companies launching soon, I have heard rumours over party gaming launching some kind of BJ tournament platform, whether it is on their casino or integrated with their poker client I am not sure.

    Please keep the suggestions coming!!! :D

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