Final five on you

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 1, 2005.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Okay to start with I agreeded to try GM's idea about having the chips counted each of the last five hands for the players. This agreement will be for one of the cruise tournaments I am hosting on Octpber 31st, 2005.

    I have twicked that idea just a little and the reasons why. With five hands left we will count and posted the players totals for each player still with chips. The twist will be that niether the staff nor I will add them up each hand for the final five, but we will call out the exsact bets for the last five hands and allow the players to add the totals up (paper and pencil/pen will be allowed for the final five hands), but the time limit will still remain the same as to not slow down the games.

    My reason behind this is two things, 1st) So the game won't be slowed down as much and 2nd) So in case of any miscalulations it will not fall back on the dealers or myself. I am willing to allow the counts, but it should still fall under the responiblity of the players to get them right.

    Like I told everybody I am willing to try new things that will help or make for better tournaments, but slowing down the game dosen't help anyone. Also I don't want the repsonsibility of costing someone advancement and or winning from mine or anyone else's mistake.
  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    New technology


    Here's an idea you might consider. I know you design and sell tables. Why not incorporate the new chip tracking technology into a table so that the table can read the quantity and value of chips stacked in front of a player and display that on a screen for all to read? You could also have it read the chips in the betting circle and display the bet on each hand.

  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Texas Made Not New York Made

    Pat you need to realize that these are tables that are being made in Texas and not New York.If you think that Rick "Tex" Cowboy even knows what you are talking about think again.If you were to look under Ricks tables there are no legs holding the tables up,he uses old tired cows that don't move to much.Once in a while one of them eats a bad patch of grass and then there is a small gas explosion that moves the table two feet. :joker:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joep cheated

    The only reason joep knew about the cows was he use to be one of them before he got fatter and his back went out....LOL.

    By the way he still suffers from the gas explosions, they are just bigger and more often now days...LOL.

    Now to you Pat, that is a great idea however who would buy a table designed for tournament play? We are having a hard enough time just trying to get the casinos to host tournaments for us. I don't see them spending extra money to make it easier for the tournament players.

    Getting back to the counting for the final five hands. The bigest draw backs I see is the lost time and man power, both will effect the cost of the event. This is what we need to avoid, that is way I suggested the players be allowed paper and pen/pencil for the final five hands and let them do it themselves.

    You also eliminnate the human error of someone giving the wrong information, this way if any mistakes are made it fall squarely on the players shoulders.
  5. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Who would buy it?

    Sell the table to a TV production company to use. I think on TV the table is set up in a separate area anyway, so nothing says it has to be a house table. The tracking is really for TV primarily, but it would also help players. If you designed the table and let them use it for free, just ask to have your logo put in the middle of the felt or sell that space to someone. The advertising could pay for the table.

    I noticed they are doing that with the WSOP, now you can't watch without seeing some drug company add in the middle of the table...

  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not a bad idea, but

    Only thing is they usually post the totals up on several large plazma TV's or right on the screen for the TV veiwers. I'm not sure I could sell them something like this, plus the prototype would really cost.

    The mind (? whatever) games they had at the LVH and moved to Flamingo cost well over $20,000 per table (and that was bulk price for like 20 tables) I heard plus they needed special chips that would cost a pretty penny as well.

    I could see it being worth wild at this time. Good thought though, I like the way your mind is working.

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