Final Hand Help

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, Final hand 3 players and only 2 advance

    BR1 55,000 betting last
    BR2 44,000 betting first
    BR3 41,000 betting second

    BR2 goes first and bets max 25,000
    BR3 (you) go next. Now you have the low available to you (along with a secret bet) what is the choice here?
    BR1 bets last 25,000 (you find this out later as BR1 used a secret bet)

    what should have BR2 bet?

    In this case BR2 bets 20,500 (split bankroll) and these are the cards with BR2 going first

    BR2 10-2
    BR3 10-7
    BR1 10-2

    Dealer up card 5

    BR2 - stands - not knowing what BR3 & BR1 bet (secret bets)

    Now as BR3 - you have a stiff 17 versus a dealer 5. If the dealer busts you lose the high to BR2 - not sure about BR1. Do you hit, DD, surrender or stand?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Hi, me again...

    I would have bet at least 1/2 my stack as you did to give me the 2nd low and ability to get all my money in if required.

    As for what to do with that 17, well my ATT decision would be to stand and I think that is born out by the maths. Versus BR2 you win 58.15% if you stand and only 25.65% if you double. Hitting is even worse at 17.89% and surrender the same as standing.


  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks for the confirmation

    It just stinks have a 17 and knowing that all you need is for a dealer stiff to win and having the dealer bust!

    All the skill in the world don't matter if the cards just aren't there!
  4. BlueLight

    BlueLight Active Member

    Surrender is far better.

    For the situation for BR3 where 2 players advance:

    [ ] = secret bet

    BR1.......55K.....[25K]........10+2...........should stand


    BR1 should know to stand with his stiff also since his bankroll will increase or decrease the same amount as BR2 and BR1 will always end up with more chips. By doing this he will end up at least in 2nd.

    BR3 should concentrate on beating BR2 since BR2's bankroll is smaller than BR1's. Also BR3 doesn't know what BR1 bet. Also BR3 must act before BR1.

    I get the following results for BR3 beating BR2 for the various actions he takes in a 6 deck game where the dealer stands on soft 17.

    BR3 Surrenders..............58.40%
    BR3 Stands...................11.96%
    BR3 Hits once................12.85%
    BR3 Doubles...................25.67%

    If BR3 surrenders he is forfeiting half his bet an has a new bankroll of 41K - 12.5K = 28.5K. Thus BR3 is essentially sitting out the hand with a bankroll of 28.5K.

    The dealer will make a hand more than 50% of the time reguardless of his upcard. In a 6 deck game with the 5 upcard removed and the players cards as shown removed the dealer will make a hand exactly 58.40% of the time. Therefore when the dealer makes a hand BR2's bankroll will decrease to 44K - 25K = 19K. That is BR3 (if he surrenders) advances 58.40%.

    The dealer busts 41.60%.


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