Final table of the LA satellites

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by cherub44, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    I apologize if this has been addressed before. I am in the satellite for entry into the tourney where the final table gets flown to LA. The tourney details read that the final 6 players in the satellite get entry into the tourney on Nov. 9. However in the prize box it only shows the 1st place person getting an entry. Anyone which way it really is?
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I believe...

    Cherub44, I believe 6 win advancement from each qualifying tournament to the finals held on November 9th. Then the over all winner of that tournament is awarded a trip to LA.

    I am not positive, but I believe that is correct. :rolleyes:
  3. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    Well I just came in 2nd and only the first place player's name is showing up on the list for the invite tourney. I'm sending a note to CS, as the wording in the details said "The final 6 players of this event will qualify to play in the Final event to be played at 9:30pm ET on November 9th, 2006!"
  4. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    On Bet21 it is just the first place player that goes to the tournament, on UBT the six finalist get to advance to the tournament. It is confusing, and Bet21's wording is wrong.
  5. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Sure confused me!

    I went into the final thinking the job was done. Checked the wording and decided it wasn't (Only 1st place listed as a prize-winner). I finished 3rd, then thought maybe I was through after all, but it's let me register for the next one, so probably not. :(
  6. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    6 then 1

    TX is right...For, at least.

    Bet21 IS different.


    Qualifying tournament...all final table players advance to the next tournament.

    Once in that tournament the first place player wins their way to LA.


    Qualifying table winner advances to the next tournament.

    Once in that tournament ???? wins their way to LA.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Not another screw-up I hope!

    I went over to and checked out the LA freeroll.

    On the qualifiers it states "All 6 finalist will make the November 9th finals tournament. The final 6 from that tournament will go to LA and be on TV.

    Now from what Pat is saying that only the winner from each of these qualifiers will be going to the November 9th event. If you checkout the invite tournament, you'll see that indeed only the winners of the three events this morning are on it and not all 18 finalist.

    If this is true and has the wrong information posted regarding these tournaments they should honor what they advertise and allow all the finalist to play in the November 9th event.

    Out of the three events held so far I see at least 6 members making the final table. However none of them won their table and may possiblly get screwed by over yet another mistake on their part.

    Am sorry but on situations like this I do feel some type of regulations need to be in place to protect the players. So far I haven't seen honor any of their promises, nor fix any of the problems that have been brought to their attention.
    The way they are starting out they don't have to worry about the new internet laws, they will run themselves out of business.

    I really am wondering who run's this company? Have you seen the commercial were the monkeys are running the company, everytime I see it on TV I think of, except that isn't fair to the monkeys...LOL
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    Play UBT LA tournament runs 15 to 20th of Dec with 1 winner from UBT's Oct 21 qualifier going to LA.
    UB/Bet21 LA tournament runs Dec 10 to 15th with the Nov9 qualifier playing to 6 players and those 6 players go to LA. The UB/Bet21 site clearly says that 6 players (final table) from today's satellites advance to Nov9 qualifier but the Nov 9th list shows only 1rst place finishers.
    Confused, I sure am !!! :joker: :joker: :joker:
  9. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    No more confusion.

    The UB/Bet21 site now clearly shows that 6 players advance to the Nov 9 qualifier. Good work UB/Bet21.:) :) :)
  10. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Disregard my last post

    Ok, I'm officlally confused as well.

    It definitely does state two different things on Bet21!

    I'm assuming whoever put the settings in the prgram was supposed to set it for the top six to advance, but didn't. At least that's my guess.

    *EDIT* And, seconds after I post this, it's fixed
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Rules for

    If they have the wording wrong they should stand behind what they advertise.
  12. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    I played through the UltimateBet skin. I haven't seen the Bet21 version, but the wording on UB is similar but not identical to what Tex posted.

    Ah yes, and I now see what Ace means - the currently running tourney shows the top six places as winners, where previously it was only one.

    I trust someone will be able to manually add those of us who qualified, but didn't (IYSWIM), into the Nov 9th tourney.

    In which case, woohooo! :D

    I actually entered the tourney after the one in which I made the final table too, but went out in the first round. I wonder what would have happened if I had qualified twice!
  13. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Everything is now fine on UB/Bet21.

    Tex: please read my earlier post. Everything indicates that 6 players advance from today's satellites.
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Exact wording for

    Here is the exact wording on the freeroll's satellite's for the $100,000 in LA.

    Tournament Details

    Welcome to the qualifying satellite offering a chance to play in the $100,000 TV Freeroll Final Event. The final six players of this event will qualify to play in the Final event to be played at 9:30 pm ET on November 9th, 2006! The Final Event will be played down to the final table of 6 players. At this point, the tournament will be paused and the final 6 will travel to LA to play for a prizepool worth $100,000! As well as the $100,000 prizepool, the event will be filmed and shown as part of the Ultimate Blackjack Tour. The dates of filming are provisionally set between the 10th and 15th December. Registration opens one hour prior to the start of the tournament.

    Now all of us, or at least most would read that as if you make the final table in this satellite event, that you'll be playing on November the 9th, correct?

    Why is the November 9th invite list only showing the 3 winners instead of the 18 finalist? Are these satellites not an event, because it is clearly printed that the final 6 players ALL will play on November 9th for the $100,000 LA trip from THIS EVENT! isn't owned by ex-Enron management are they? What is there back ground? Possible Savings and Loans or did they sell Ocean front property in Arizona? I'm I getting close?

    Enough already, we are all willing to play at your site. All we ask is that to say what you mean and do what you say.

    I understand the FREEROLL are just that FREE, but it would be nice if we knew what the rules were before we played. It would have been so simple just to print out that ONLY the winner of these satellites would be allowed to play on November 9th. do the right thing and allow all the finalist who have already played to play on November 9th.
  15. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Fingers Crossed

    Presumably because the system was initially misconfigured. Like I said, I'm hopeful that this will be put right retrospectively, and I will certainly feel very aggrieved if it isn't; but I can imagine it might take a day or two to get sorted out. An email from them would be nice though, to let us know what is happening.

    I don't see any list at all on UltimateBet; the 9th Nov tournament hasn't yet appeared on the schedule. Does Bet21's schedule look further into the future, or am I missing something?
  16. maxwell

    maxwell Member


  17. gflan

    gflan New Member

    BET 21/UB LA qualifiers

    I just received the following email in response to my email to them this morning after I made the final table. As I had hoped, everything is fine and we (ie.ptaylor and colin) should all be qualified for the Nov. 9 tourney!


    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    We have manually registered you to play in our 100k TV Freeroll Final that is going to be played on November 9th at 9:30 PM EST. Please make sure to log into the game at least 15 minutes prior the tournament start time so the system can take you to your seat.

    Please let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,

    Tournament Monitoring
  18. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Good News

    That is good news gflan as both my sister (mammab1) and mother (azbobcat) both made the final 6 today in 2 of the tourneys they held today. It looks like they cancelled the rest of the LA $100,000 tourneys they had scheduled for this afternoon after they discovered the error of their ways. Bummer for me.
  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well done

    Thank you for doing the right thing and allowing ALL the finalist from the $100,000 LA qualifiers to get to play on November 9th.

    Not sure what happened or why, but your quick response and correction of the problem is what the players want to see and helps to reinsure them that the players are priority one. Your quick fix much appreciated.

    As long as keeps correcting any and all problems in this fashion all of us here will support you site.

    Also thumbs up for blocking the chat that eliminates any coaching and distractions from outside viewers.

    I wish you the best, but I'll still jump your butt when something is done wrong.

    Now just get the sign-up bonuses (for blackjack) and tournament bucks corrected and we’ll be cooking.
  20. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    All is well

    I don't know if UB/Bet21 have entirely separate departments to deal with this stuff, or if they pass it all on to a third party. At any rate, I hadn't contacted anyone myself, but just got this emal from UB -

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