Firefox does it again

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by KenSmith, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    If you're not already using Firefox as your browser, there's a new killer feature in the latest version.

    In the address bar known as a SmartBar, just type in a keyword or portion of the address. Firefox will show you a list of all the previously visited or bookmarked sites that have that phrase in the URL or the title of the page. Nice!

    Get it free at
  2. Covered_in_Bees!

    Covered_in_Bees! New Member

    It didn't already do that?

    I've been just typing "tao poker", "guinness poker", and "blackjacktournaments" for the longest time to visit the respective sites.

    Is it in Firefox 3.0 only or do the old versions get an auto update to implement that?
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I know previous versions would automatically try adding the www and .com parts of the address for you, but I was unaware that the previous address bars were so smart. Version 3 makes it quite noticeable though, because as you type you are seeing a list of possible matches appear below the bar.
  4. Covered_in_Bees!

    Covered_in_Bees! New Member

    Not to be difficult or anything, but I think version 2.xx did that previously still.

    1) I hit ctrl+t for a new tab
    2) type a "g" in the address bar
    3a) comes upon the left and "part poker blog" on the far right.
    3b) Below that url is on the left and "gmail: email from google"

    Is this the same thing you are attesting to in the OP?

    Either way the point is: Get Firefox. Everything else sucks. :cool:
  5. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    That's a feature in Safari also
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Quite possibly yes. Perhaps the newness is more marketing than reality.
  7. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I haven't tried it out yet, but I believe there are indeed various enhancements. I think it would previously match only with initial letters of URLs (skipping the www if you wish), and would only access your (recent) history for matches, whereas now it's a fully-fledged search, the page title is included, and your bookmarks are also searched.

    There's probably other stuff too. I suspect you may to able to 'tag' all your blackjack-related bookmarks with the keyword blackjack, and then bring them all up by typing 'blackjack' into the address bar.

    (Even IE7 does the simple URL matching thing, so that in itself would be nothing worth shouting about.)
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  8. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    Hmmm... on the surface, meta-tagging bookmarks sounds keen, but dropping them in a folder probably easier. Don't get me wrong, I *like* firefox. For those few sites Safari doesn't work with (usually very IE-centric sites) I will use it. I hate having anything Microsoft installed on my hard drive, eventually it all becomes a security breach waiting to happen.

    Of course now that the new macs are dual-boot, I went over to the dark side and installed windows, mainly so I can access some of the better poker and casino web site downloadable software, most of which is never made for a mac. Solves certain problems but I always feel like I ned a shower afterwards.
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Heh, I know what you mean. I have dual boot Linux and Windows. When I have to boot into Windows it always gives me that need-a-shower feeling too. Fortunately that only happens occasionally these days.
  10. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    There's a nice demo of the searching in action here -

    I know there is tagging as part of Firefox 3.0, but I don't really know how it is integrated and whether it is part of the search mechanism.

    I use Netvouz to maintain bookmarks that are accessible from anywhere. It incorporates both tagging and folders, as well as 'social bookmarking', letting you discover what sites other people have deemed worth bookmarking. There are a number of such systems, Delicious being the best known - - (it has tags only, no folders).

    Sites like these really are useful, especially if you are on the move. They have plugins for the various browsers, to simplify the business of saving a bookmark, but if you are using a stange PC, you can still work with them simply by pasting URLs into the site.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  11. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    Are you calling my PC "Stange?"

    I have no clue what you mean. :p
  12. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Well they're all pretty strange, but in this instance what I meant by 'a strange PC' was 'not your own PC'. :)

    If you sit down at some random computer, you can access your bookmarks and create new ones, using the web interface of Delicious, Netvouz or any similar service. At home, you can make things a bit simpler by configuring your browser so that you just click on a button in order to add the current page to your online repository of bookmarks. (I think that inlcudes Safari)
  13. Covered_in_Bees!

    Covered_in_Bees! New Member

    Well I know have version 3 and I can say that I'm not happy with the way it searches through my bookmarks while I type something into the address bar.

    If I wanted to go to a bookmark, I'd simply do as such. No need to type anything in to the address bar.

    Plus the list that comes up is awfully big and distracting.

    Minor yes, just giving my input since that's what this thread is/was about.

    Any way to turn it off?
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  15. Covered_in_Bees!

    Covered_in_Bees! New Member

    That won't turn off the function where it lists previous websites that I've visited in a session will it?

    And thanks for the link. :)
  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry, I don't know. I didn't actually try it. :D

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