First Invite!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Jeff Dubya, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    So today I got an invitation to the Rio Tournament in December. While I am fairly certain that this invitation goes out to a TON of people and that there's nothing impressive enough about my play to warrant a comp deal that covers my entry fees, I am still pretty excited.

    I know... reality distortion field at maximum. But it's nice even imagining that someone just complimented my play and dedication to blackjack.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Virtually all of the BJTs at the Harrah's Group in Las Vegas are invite only with free rooms. I believe you were invited to the "Winterfest" series - 4 tournaments of $10,000 each. But here's the catch - you can only play in 2 of them. These tournaments exactly conflict with the expected dates for the Orleans tournament.

    Good Luck if you play.
  3. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User



    You made it, you are there.:)


  4. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    They would only conflict if I had invitations to both! :) Which I don't.

  5. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    A sign of the times ?

    I also received my invitation to Harrahs "Winterfest" tournaments a few days ago, but instead of the usual glossy mailing, this came via an e-mail letter.
    I wonder if thats how others got their invites also ?
  6. Jeff Dubya

    Jeff Dubya New Member

    Mine came via email.
  7. hitmeonemoretime

    hitmeonemoretime New Member

    Harrahs events

    i have helped a few guys here book in the past. Any of your invites feel free to contact me to make your bookings

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