First step approved

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, May 4, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well I have interest from casinos in 6 states now for my Airline format tournament series, but today I was told I past the first hurdle for final approval at one of them.

    The Table games manager called me today and told me he liked the proposal I sent to him and was presenting the 57 week tournament series to his director of operations and marketing staff tomorrow.

    The proposal will include week long events every seven weeks (5 daily tournaments Monday -Friday ranging from $50 - $100 entries) finishing up with the Airline fortmat over the weekend as the main event.

    Satellite events will also be offered during the week along with points awarded for each of the daily and main tournament with the top three point finishers receiving cash prizes.

    That is if it gets the final approval.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nice! Keep putting one foot in front of the other! Glad to hear you're making progress.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Hurry up and wait

    Thanks Ken, but we all know that working with casinos there is a lot of hurry up and wait. Blackjack tournaments are not their first priority so even though they maybe interested I'm sure we'll be down lower on their things to do list.

    Plus I will be going in the hospital Thursday for the first of two surgeries so hopefully they will take a little time before needing to meet with me.

    I think the biggest problem I'm running into is not finding interested casinos, but finding that first casino to willing to gamble on a new format. Once I find one and they host a successful tournament it will be easier to pitch the tournament series concept and Airline format to the other casinos as a proven product.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Hold OFF!

    On these surgeries until you save the game of BJT!:eek:

    No better take care of yourself- good luck!
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    American airlines sponsorship?

    I just got a call from American airlines who is interested in becoming a possible sponsor of the Airline format events. They were very interested and set up an appointment next week for us to discuss this matter.

    Part of what I am looking for from them is up to a 20% discount on airfare for players go to the event and advertisement in their Airway magazine which is published every two weeks and is seen by about 10,000,000 passengers worldwide (figures they told me).

    This type of advertising should certainly help build a nice new following for blackjack tournaments and will also be good incentive for casinos to try our tournaments as well.
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Doing good

    TxTourplayer is out of surgery already this morning, doing very well and it wouldn't surprise me if he posted something even today. I wasn't terribly worried, he's too obstinate to let a little thing like surgery slow him down much! :laugh:
  7. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Get well soon

    Txtourplayer was really nice and helpful towards me when I played in my first tournament in America.

    I wish him well, and hope that he makes a good recovery and continues to promote BJ tournaments.

    Good luck Rick.

  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thanks for all the get well wishes

    Wow, I can't believe all the calls, e-mails, PM's, and messages from everyone. Thanks to all of you they really mean a lot.

    The first surgery went well, however due to some complications the doctor wants me to keep a patch over my left eye for at least another week. They are concerned about a lot of pressure built up in and behind the eye.

    Being awake during the surgery was different to say the least. The eye was numb, but I could still feel the pressure and knew when they were cutting the eye and even felt them sticking the needles in my eye ball for the injections, kind of creeps you out just knowing even without feeling any pain.

    Other then that when they took of the patch I could see everything great again. I'm ready to change back to no limit on the chip stacks, just kidding...LOL.
  9. Glad that your surgery went well Rick. Your description made me flinch. Sounds like you are making some progress with the Airline tournys. Hope you can get it going over here in the Magnolia State.
  10. F.W. Bishop

    F.W. Bishop New Member

    Just curious

    Hope all goes well with your recovery. I'm fairly new to this site and want to learn as much as i can. Have you contacted the Kiowa Casino in Devol, OK. about your trny. I 'm the casino Host at Kiowa.

    I play in the weekly trny's at commanche just down the street and have played in a few others. I have finished 1st a few times and have made the final table 4 weeks in a row. The big trny's i never get to far. Any advice.

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