First Tournement

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Dynomike1, May 26, 2006.

  1. Dynomike1

    Dynomike1 New Member

    I played my first tournement last night . It was awsom I lost the semi finals by $200.00 i thought that was pretty good. I am hooked now . So my new goal is to learn tournement play. I guess i owe my playing to the people on this website. All i can say is thanks.

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member


    Congrats on making the semifinals in your first event! I'm sure a final table won't be far away. Welcome aboard!
  3. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    I made the semis in my first event too, it was a $100 buy in and I was the youngest one there, that's how I got hooked. Welcome aboard and we'll help you out however we can.
  4. Congratulations on your success and Good Luck in your next tournament.
  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I wish we had them in the UK

    I'm envious of you all. God knows when we'll get tourneys in the UK, but when we do I'll be first in the queue to play. Unless Andy856 get's there first.


  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    No tournaments in the UK?

    I did not know that there are no BJ tournaments in the UK. I've been following your posts for some time now and found they obviously display a keen interest in the "sport".

    My question to you is: What holds your interest in tournaments when you know you can't participate?

    I'm just interested in what drives you. I know that if I could not participate, I would not have even sought out this web site let alone become a member. You add a lot to this site so keep it up. You seem to have a very inquisitive mind coupled with a positive attitude that is benefiting most all of us.

    Here's hoping you get BJ tournaments in the UK soon!!! :cheers:
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Two words...

    Global Player!!!! :)

    Firstly I'd like to thank you for your kind words. I had been concerned that my constant posting was becoming mildly irritating to everybody and I'm glad to hear that it is not, at least to you.

    How did I get interested in Blackjack tournaments? By chance ironically! I was flicking round the satellite TV channels over here in the UK and I came across "Celebrity Blackjack". I'd always been interested in BJ but always thought that essentially you were on to a loser unless you could count and without access to casinos there was little point in learning to do it. The reason I didn't swithc over straight away from CBJ was because it had Munch from Homicide/L&O (of which I am a big fan). Watching the game I realised it was a very different animal from "normal" BJ and that the edge was no longer with the house but with the most skilled player. The dynamic also seemed alot more exiting than poker. I like the problem solving approach that you have to adopt to figure out all the angles.

    I then discovered that WSOB was being shown on another channel, watched that, realised that CBJ was small potatoes, then hit google and here I am! I signed up to Global Player, tentatively played a S&G, came 2nd! Hook, line and sinker...

    I'm looking forward to the UBT website coming online and hoping that online BJ tourneys will take off big style. Another problem in being in the UK is that when I want to play online you guys are tucked up in bed so with a bigger community I'll be able to play more often. I really enjoy playing on Global Player because it's a very friendly place and you really get to know people. The software could be better but I won't hold that against them and I hope they can withstand the competition from UBT.

    The fact that you guys are so helpful and friendly also keeps me coming back for more. People obviously spend their valuable time answering my questions and I am deeply grateful for it. I mean you're some of the best players in the world and you're answering newbie questions from me!!! Wow I say.

    I look forward to playing against you all at sometime in the future. I do plan to come to Vegas and when I do I'll be a finely honed BJ machine so you better all watch out!!!!


  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    LV or bust

    I now understand the reason for your interest. No question that being an informed player is the only way to go.

    Most everyone on this site enjoys a good challenge so we're looking forward to that mean "BJ machine" :D . When you do get to Las Vegas, I'm sure many on this site will look foreword to meeting you in person. On my last trip to LV (2 weeks ago), I met a couple from the UK who have been using their vacation time to visit LV every year for the last 6 year. Very charming people and they have a great time with every visit. I'm sure yours will be as enjoyable.:)

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