Fitz (tunica) 11-12-10

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I saw that this event was canceled. Are there any details as to why?
  2. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Fitz cancellation

    The Fitz doesn't comp any entries into their open tournaments. (At least not openly). As of today only 28 confirmed entries had been received. I am sure the tournament at the IP in Biloxi at the same time had a big effect, especially with regular tournament players. Tunica locals apparently will not support bj tournaments unless they are comped in. The Hollywood tried having weekly tournaments with a $50 entry fee, and quit after 4 weeks and their largest number of entries was 18 people. The Horseshoe receives a fairly large number of entries, but with a $200,000 purse and many comped entries. The Gold Strike continues to have tournaments, but at least 75% of their entries are comped.
    It is a shame because the Fitz was a fun tournament with many opportunities to play, but with no more support than it has received it will probably go by the wayside.:sad:
  3. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Future of the Fitz BJT

    Deltaduke is right - It would be a shame if this excellent tournament should go away! The guys who put the tournament on are proud of it and it's clear to anyone who ever played it that they work hard to make it the best it can be. I have to believe that they want to keep it going, and with the encouragement of us players I think they will schedule another one. If keeping this excellent event going is important to you, I encourage you to write or call and let them know how you feel. If enough of us support it, we can not only possibly save the event, but we can boost the size of the purse. As I recall, in the last three events 2nd place paid $7+K, $9+K, $7+K, but yesterday I was told that not many tournaments back it paid $14+ K for 2nd place.

    There's not much we can do about schedule dates conflicting with other events - that's going to happen, but I do think it's in the interest of those of us within reasonable traveling distance to let it be known that we'll support and help grow this event. The Sam's Town bi-monthly BJT is going well, and I'm betting that with our encouragement we can save the Fitz BJT. Who knows - If enough support is shown for these maybe more Tunica casinos will start up even more regular events with $10K-$15K and larger purses.

    Bottom line - It's probably up to us!
  4. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    Who do we call? We were hoping to attend one this winter. We were there in January a couple of years ago and will be on the road this winter. Would have planed on this one that was cancelled but like many others, we had a conflict.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  5. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    The Fitz number is 662-363-5825. If you have a host there, I'd call for that person. If not, I'd think you could ask for the host desk and ask that they relay a message to Mark Wheeler. He works hard on this tournament and I'm sure he'd welcome the feedback.
  6. phantom

    phantom New Member

    Well I was going to play that tournament but didn't get there in time. I didn't know it was canceled.

    I called the promotions desk a couple of weeks before and the girl didn't even know about it. She had to go ask somebody else and came back on the line about 10 minutes later telling the details.

    I guess because even the promotions people didn't know about it no one else did and they had to cancel.
  7. Casinos struggle back from recession

    NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Amid a new reality -- casinos are not recession-proof -- gambling in Louisiana and Mississippi is staging a slow comeback from the economic meltdown of 2008, aggravated for a time by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill that chased away some tourists.

    But at least for the rest of 2010 and into 2011, industry analysts expect many players to keep a tight grip on their wallets amid uncertain economic times -- and those who watch casinos are largely unwilling to predict when full recovery might come.

    "Gamblers, like other people, have to feel comfortable about their financial situation," said Joseph Weinert, senior vice president of Linwood, N.J.-based Spectrum Gaming Group. "There had been the perception that the industry was largely recession-proof, but we saw what happened a couple of years ago. When the economy got tanked, the industry got whacked."

    For the first three quarters of 2010, revenue at Mississippi's state-licensed casinos totaled $1.83 billion, down 12.9 percent from the first nine months of 2008 -- the period leading into the U.S. economic freefall. Still, the decline has slowed. According to the Mississippi Department of Revenue, casino takes dropped only 3.3 percent from the first three quarters of 2009.

    Rest of story at:
  8. Fitz BJT in January '11?

    Any word on a possible Fitz BJT next month? Not a big payout, but lots of fun. Not a lot of Vegas glitz, but they know how to treat us bubbas. Check out my '66 Chevy Pickup on my profile page if you have the opportunity. Don't try this at home, took too much time and too much money. If you want a collecter car/truck, buy it restored. Live and learn.
    Always better to be lucky than good!
    Steve P.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2010
  9. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Next Fitz tournament

    There will not be one in January. I was at their 3CP tournament on Wednesday(which I won:)) and asked about their next BJ tournament. Mark was on vacation, but his assistant who was running the 3CP event told me it would be in February. He didn't have the exact date, but stated word would be released soon. I'll try to find out more this week.
    Trouble and Steve Phillips like this.
  10. marichal

    marichal Member


    congrats on your win @ 3cp. do please keep us informed on the upcoming date of the tournament.
  11. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Shame on you BJT members!!

    Steve, Pitch Man and Delta Duke, you are to be commended for your words of support for the Fitgerald Tunica Blackjack Tournament. And...shame on the rest of you who complain about not having quality tournaments to attend anymore... and yet you will not support the Fitz by your presence. :flame:

    How many blackjack tournaments are left that give all cash for prizes, give you many opportunities to advance and call numerous "wild cards"?? All entry and re-buy monies go into the prize pool and it would be quite lucrative if the attendance numbers were higher! Mark and his staff are open to any and all suggestions to improve their tournament. Although I haven't been one who has years of blackjack tournaments under my belt, I've attended enough that I can recognize when the director, dealers, and floor personnel are giving 100% to make their tournament a success. I haven't seen that quality of caring for the players in Vegas, New Orleans or Biloxi.

    When Fitz has a tournament...PLEASE, come and support it.

  12. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Avoid the second weekend of February

    Anyone who has contact with the Fitz should advise them not to conflict with the IP tournament in Biloxi the second weekend in February.
  13. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Next one is when?

    Are these open events (anyone can enter) and when is the next one going to be? I've not been to this casino but played in a few events at the Grand in Tunica a few years back and would consider doing this one if no conflicts.

    Billy C
  14. Fitz BJTs

    All previous Fitz BJTs have been open. A $300 buy-in includes a two night stay at the Fitz. You can get plenty of free buffets and adult beverages are free. A rebuy for $200 is usually offered and they have numerous wildcard drawings. The BJT payout is based on percentages of the proceeds, e.g., 40% 1st place, 20% 2nd place, down to 2.5% for 7th. The January '08 payout total was $100K and they even had a Duck & Fish Soiree (ref. Jack Nicholson in "The Shining") on Friday night before the BJT. Unfortunately, economic conditions have caused a severe trailoff in the attendance/payout.
  15. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Fitz's WYT Tournament

    The last Fitz's WYT Tournament lowered the re-buys to $150. le
    Steve Phillips likes this.
  16. Fitz's WYT Tournament

    My guess is they need a minimum of 150 players to make the subject BJT an economically viable venue. If they have one in Feb '11, what else would anyone have on the calendar in this part of the world?
  17. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK. Suggest to them that they drop that "one advance" format. I'd strongly consider attending if that went away and I know of quite a few others who feel the same way (but only lurk on this forum).

    It'd cost me about $1,000 to be there. Entry, 2 rebuys, lost work days, and travel expenses for the nearly 800 mile trip. Can't justify such expense for a wire-to-wire one-advance situation because that ramps up the luck factor considerably by removing many of the skilled players' tools. Just a thought.
  18. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    Totally agree about the one advance format--although that seems to be the rule in so many tournaments. If I remember though, Fitz gives you two chances to be the one who advances with only ne buy in. We did attend the Fitz 3 or 4 years ago. Thought is was a well run tournament and will go again if they have one this winter even though it isn't exactly in our backyard.
  19. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I guess so - roughly 2300 miles!!!! That's further than my area to Vegas. :yikes:
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  20. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Please elaborate. What is the second chance?

    Billy C

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