Fitz Tunica Blackjack Tournament October 25 & 26

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by PitchMan, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    Can someone fill us in on any details of the tournament? I called and confirmed the dates tonight but the hosts desk had little other information. I've heard there were mailers sent to some players announcing the event and that it is guaranteed $10K for first, $5K for 2nd, but the host desk said it is $20K guaranteed for first place like it's always been. Thanks....
  2. PitchMan

    PitchMan Top Member

    I got some info from someone who received an announcement from Fitz. I didn’t receive one, probably because I played Sam’s last time, and not Fitz. Fitz BJT – Oct 25-26 – Guaranteed Purse: 1st - $10K, 2nd - $5K, 3rd - $2500, 4th-7th - $750 each. All cash. + Dwg for 47” TV and $1K promo. $150 Buy in, $150 Re-buys. Not sure abouthow many re-buys available or if rooms are included in buy in cost. If anyone has additional info, please post it.
    The_Professional likes this.
  3. george

    george Top Member

    called today told me you get rooms with buy in but you have to pay first before you can check in
  4. george

    george Top Member

    so.... how did it go, who much....when is the next one

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