Fitz tunica/samstown tournys

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by sweet william, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. sweet william

    sweet william Member

    anybody know if possible to play both? have talked to each one, but can't get to anyone that knows or will say how flexable round times are.with one advance to semi this should be workable, don't want to throw away entry fee appreciate any help.
  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    If memory serves me right, both of these tournaments are single player advances from table to semi finals. If there are quarter final rounds involved then the following is not correct, so someone in the know please post.

    Sam's town schedule is posted on their website. Round one starts at 8:00pm on Friday and there are four opportunities to play Friday night at 8,9,10 and 11 pm. Each buyin or rebuy is $150. If you don't win your table Friday night play begins again at 1pm on Saturday with three more opportunites (1,2,3pm). Semifinals play at 4pm and finals is at 5pm on Saturday.

    I don't have Fitz schedule, but I believe all their play is on the hour as well. Your $300 entry fee gets you two opportunities to play to win your table. Play begins Friday night and continues on into Saturday. In addition to your two opportunites for the original buyin you can rebuy twice more on Saturday if needed. The semifinals and finals are not played until Sunday morning at the Fitz.

    So, theoretically you can play both and not worry about not being able to play in both of the semifinal or finals. The only trick is you have to win your table at the Fitz before 4pm on Saturday and also won a table at Sam's town as well before that time.

    I am planning to give it a try as well, just haven't decided yet on where I will be when.
  3. F.W. Bishop

    F.W. Bishop New Member

    I agree and I'm playing both. Should be fun and interesting.

    see yall there

  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm planning to be in Tunica for these, and will make an effort to play both.
    I look forward to seeing many of you there!
  5. sweet william

    sweet william Member

    make that the "fitz tourny" in tunica, maybe my spell check was on the fritz!
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Heh, I edited the title, changing "Fritz" to "Fitz".
    sweet william likes this.
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    My schedule changed late in the week, and I ended up not making the Tunica trip. With three events there this weekend and finals today, let's hear some news!
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Semifinal table problem

    It was a good tournament, but low turnout. I think the two rebuys might have helped, but I don't know what the final prize pool finished at.

    There was a controversy at one of the semifinal tables which resulted in a delay of over an hour. I think one of our members was at the table and could explain what happened, how it was resolved and if it made any difference in the final results.

    I think some of our members did make the final table as well, so some results would be nice.

    PS: Turns out there was a potential conflict trying to play both tournaments. If you made the semifinals at Sam's town and also won your initial round at Fitz they scheduled play at both places for 4:00 on Saturday. At Sam's town it was the semifinals, but at the Fitz it was to play for a seat in the semi finals. I would think if you had that problem you would go ahead and play the semifinal table at Sam's town and just rebuy for another chance to make the semifinals at the Fitz Saturday evening.
  9. tgun

    tgun Member

    problem at semi final table

    last hand:
    br2 on the button
    br1 to bet 2nd betting
    br3 out of the race(me) betting last

    br2 bet max of $2500 with $2000 unbet
    br1 has a $25 chip in betting circle(br1 had $8200)
    br3 went all-in with $1865

    dealer deals a card to br2 (7), br1 says wait a minute I didn't bet, the $25 chip was from my last hand push.

    The decision, which included MS gaming, was that the chip left in the betting circle was br1's bet. br1 won the table as br2 caught another 7 not enough to split so he dd and lost. All of this took over an hour.

    ptaylorcpa likes this.
  10. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Thanks for the update

    It is obvious BR2 should have split his bankroll instead of putting out max bet since it was pretty obvious he was going to need to get all his money on the table. He might have had a chance since he did get something to split.

    I know that BR1 has a tendancy to bet minimum a lot. Do you think BR2 tried to put his bet out quickly before BR1 could pull his bet back and do you think BR1 was skipped by the dealer before you pushed your bet out?

    Didn't some of our group make the final table? Does anyone know what the final money was? I think there were only 97 original players, but with two rebuy opportunities, the numbers might not have been so bad. At least first was a guaranteed $20K.
  11. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Fitz Pot

    I was not there for the final payout, but Adolph told me it would be close to total of $50,000, ALL CASH, no monkey money.
  12. Springbac

    Springbac Member

  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

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