Fitzgeralds (Tunica) in October

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by fgk42, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I've never been to a BJT here at The Fitz

    Has anyone been to one of their events before? It say accumulation on the calender. Is this like the Horseshoe event?

    Anyone else here considering going?
  2. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Hybrid Format

    The tournament has a hybrid format like Horseshoe. This is their second such tournament. The first was excellent. Each player will play two rounds. The top thirty five combined scores plus a wild card will advance to the semi-finals. Each table winner in the semi-finals plus one wildcard will advance to the final table. The registration included a room and two meals (one at registration and a voucher for a buffet meal).
  3. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    By excellent, you mean that you advanced to the semi-finals.

    Twice I've driven 8 hours to Tunica, played a total of 4 rounds, one hand each round, and driven back home.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Went to Fitzgerald's-Tunica this last July to see what it was like. Kind of a plain place with no pizazz. Some carnival games but no Pai Gow. BJ rules are typical Tunica. Lots of Slots for the Mrs.. I played BJ for 1/2 hour and got an offer for 2 buffets and 2 nights hotel stay in the mail. No invite for the tournament yet.

    The tournament looks like a positive EV unless they get too many players. Don't know if they would increase the prize pool if they get a large turnout but the CALENDER posting said they will. The thing I dislike the most is 1st is paid $25,000 cash and $10,000 in promo chips. They advertise first as $35,000 but in reality it has an expected value of just under $30,000. I hate when they, or any casino, does that but that seems to be the trend nowadays.

    Anyway, if fgk42 decides to go then I will give it some priority. I need some help with accumulation format. ;) :D
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hunh? Pai Gow or Pai Gow poker? Since when did you start playing that one? :confused:

    I thought this was an open event or did I misread the calender?

    So there are two (2) accumulation rounds like the Horseshoe? Cool! :cool:

    Translation: You know that there will be one more "sucker" for you to beat. You do well in these hybrid formats - cuz you do your homework.

    I was looking at the calender and October seems kinda slim pickings - especially after the jam packed month of September. I've only been to the Tunica Fitz once. Do they have a "high limit" area or just the main floor?

    I ask because I didn't see that many tables to hold a BJT!

    Also wondering about this: In between rounds do you think they would let us "rent" out a dealer/table for SNG? Suppose we had 6 or 7 player who wanted to play a 25 hand TBJPA style SNG for $25 a person and give the house a 2.50 or 5.00 per peson "vig" with a 60:40 for the players?
  6. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    I misread that as 'no pizza'. Probably says something about my priorities. :D
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    I was a little hesitant about answering your call for help because I rightly assumed that you would come back with a zillion questions and I was right. But I don't mind as long as you keep sharing your accumulation format knowledge with me when we meet again. Keep in mind that I only spent about an hour in Fitzgerald's-Tunica so I don't have all the answers. Anyway, I reproduced your questions/comments in blue with my answers in red.

    Hunh? Pai Gow or Pai Gow poker? Since when did you start playing that one?"
    I recently started playing Pai Gow Poker when I feel like I can't win at BJ. It's a very slow game with a small house edge so I can play for higher stakes with a correcponding less table time and still satisfy the casino's "required play" for getting comps. I want to learn "tiles" because I understand the house edge is even lower. Problem is that most casinos do not offer "tiles".

    I thought this (the October event) was an open event or did I misread the calender?"
    It is open as far as I know. I only mentioned a possible partial comp because some casinos comp some players into a tournament. I don't know Fitzgerald's policy

    So there are two (2) accumulation rounds like the Horseshoe? Cool!"
    I knew you'd like that!

    You do well in these hybrid formats - cuz you do your homework."
    Yep, I try to get your input before I play. :D

    I was looking at the calender and October seems kinda slim pickings - especially after the jam packed month of September. I've only been to the Tunica Fitz once. Do they have a "high limit" area or just the main floor?"
    Don't know. When I was there for an hour I was mainly interested in playing a little BJ to get on their mailing list. Didn't do much scouting but my wife did find some decent JoB Video Poker

    I ask because I didn't see that many tables to hold a BJT!"
    I agree. Since I never played a tournament there I guess we'll have to wait and see. Maybe they set up a table or two in the restrooms. Na, then they would have a lawsuit about segregating the sexes in a tournament.

    Also wondering about this: In between rounds do you think they would let us "rent" out a dealer/table for SNG? Suppose we had 6 or 7 player who wanted to play a 25 hand TBJPA style SNG for $25 a person and give the house a 2.50 or 5.00 per peson "vig" with a 60:40 for the players?"
    Ya, when pigs fly. Keep dreaming. Hope springs eternal. etc., etc., etc.

    Now maybe someone with more experience at Fitzgerald's can jump in to fill the gaps I left.

    London Colin,
    Maybe they don't have pizza :eek: . A definite bummer if that's the case.
  8. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Regulations on SNG's

    I think Mississippi casinos have to submit intent and rules to the Mississippi Gaming Commission and gain approval before offering a tournament. This would prohibit last minute decisions by the casino to offer SNG's. They would need prior approval just like the other tournaments.
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    According to the vpFREE database, Fitzgerald's has a selection of 99.54% - 99.9% video poker, almost all in quarters.
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I understand - IF and only IF it were a casino pre-approved SNG. How about if 6 people were to just "reserve" a table and play for say 25 hands?

    A SNG isn't a tournament is it? The poker rooms have SNG's all the time?

    I mean it's just a thought - has it even been done before? Has anyone ever seen this before?

    I mean the average drop for a BJ table is supposed to be around 10-13% right? So if they (Casino) had a dedicated SNG for $20+2 during a BJT I'm sure it would be full. Now that table is guarenteed to make it's 10% - the casino wouldn't have to worry about any "advantage players". Isn't it a win-win situation?

    Am I missing something?
  11. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    A SNG is a single table tournament in Ms.
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't know that!

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