Fitzgerald's Tunica

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by deltaduke, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. deltaduke

    deltaduke Active Member

    Congratulations to UTVOLFAN for winning today's tournament. Also Pat Taylor for finishing 7th but in until the end.
  2. UTVolfan

    UTVolfan New Member


    Thanks, Delta. I wish I could chalk it up to excellent tournament skills...but I have to admit, this tournament had such a huge luck factor, and the luck just happened to hit me when I needed it on Sunday, including the fact that I only made the final table by way of the wildcard. (I made a huge mistake in the semi-finals, by targeting the accumulation cut-off way too high. Had I not been drawn, I would still be kicking myself for that.) On the last hand of the final table, I caught a lucky max bet blackjack to swing the entire table, but it could just as easily have swung Pat's way.
  3. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Ditto on the congrats to UTVolFan

    He got lucky to get the wildcard draw to the final table, (I think they called two names ahead of his that were not there), but his skill put him in the winner's seat. I had position on the last hand (acting last), but failed to get my bankroll in the right amount to really have a chance. I missed an excellent DD opportunity on the next to last hand (I had a hard 13 with dealer showing a 3), but waved it off instead of taking the shot. Next card was an 8. Dealer makes a hand instead. DD on the final hand to move from 5th to 7th was also stupid, when the proper move would have been to hit out to 20 or 21 for a chance at a swing to a higher finish. Oh well, live and learn.

    This was accumulation format even in the semi finals, which really stunk, but I got lucky by holding on to my bankroll when 75% of the semifinalists busted out. I did manage to make the dealer mad at me for playing so slow and then leaving the table when the shuffle break came, but that was the only way to see what the other tables were doing and plan how to play my last six hands. There was only one table where the dealer was dumping and several people had large bankrolls, but they were all still pushing out their max bets and in the end the cards turned on them and they all busted out.

    Anyway, enough on my mistakes, I was happy to see one of our own take home the money! I hear he is going out to Oklahoma, so watch out Rick!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2007
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congratulations UTVolfan...

    UTVolfan won the $10,000 first prize at Fitzgeralds in Tunica this weekend.

    Way to go UTVol! Guess I'll be seeing you in Tulsa next weekend.

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