Fitz's Win Your Table VI BJ Tournament Winner

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Counselorlee, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    :D Congratulations to our favorite old-timer and one-eyed, blackjack tournament player.....(drum roll, please!).....Clyde Hadley from Vernon, Texas, who took home the $16,000 1st place prize money at the Fitz. Clyde is traveling alone now as his wife and constant supporter, Kathy, has been confined to a rest home. :(

    Also making the final table was Rick Fortin from GA.

    I remember after their last tournament, Ken announced, via the Forum, that we as players should support Adolf and Mark in their attempt to continue put on such a good tournament. I'm not sure many of you were listening! Granted there was a delay in getting out notifications, but it has been on's Schedule of Events for some time.

    I would challenge anyone to name a tournament that gives you more opportunities to advance (as many as 6 times for final table) with 30 wild cards drawn.....all done in a manner of fairness to all players.

    Many players were recipients of very nice door prizes, too.

    Adolph and Mark (tournament director) are well aware of the problems with late notification to players and assured the players that would not happen again as each of us there would be receiving a personal call from a host in advance of the next tournament, which, by the way, will be in April.

    MARK YOUR've been notified!

    They announced to the players prior to the semis that there would be changes in the future tournaments which would give players additional opportunities to play and advance (cheaper re-buys and an additional re-buy round are two ideas). If you have any other suggestions, contact them at Fitzgerald's Tunica.

    And...a really pleasant surprise to us this trip was the newly decorated casino....bright and fresh.....which induced enjoyable side play. And.... the dealers' attitudes and sense of humor made it even better, particularly at the $10 double-deck pitch table!

    Hope to see many of you in April.

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Way to go Clyde! Thanks for the trip report Counselorlee.
  3. Ikedog

    Ikedog New Member

    congrats. Clyde! Anyone who drives from Vernon to OKC every saturday for 2 months to play qualifying satellites deserves your good fortune.
    Dick & Marie

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