For the Record

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by marichal, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. marichal

    marichal Member

    for those of you at this site who i like and respect, it has been pointed out that leha and i have been accused of posting anonymously at lva. we are not registered there, have not posted there, and have no interest in what goes on there, other than to defend our reputations. i do not know lva8412 or jojoheart. those assumptions are incorrect. i am not ashamed of my opinions and will freely post anything i believe at this site only. the standards at lva make it not worth posting imho.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2008
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Mari, it doesnt matter who the accused are even tho I can tell you I feel for you because being falsely accused hurts. The internet forums ARE NOT a place we need to have our identity known thats why we use ALIAS or MONIKER because we have a right to remain ANONYMOUS. What we have witnessed over there is a total exposure of poor character on behalf of the board "leader" Im a liar when Im not. You and LeLe are cowards tho your're not. I can offer you a life analogy story. I enjoy shooting guns. I brought along a young man from the city who had participated in gangs. I set him up with a .22 pistol after having him watch me shoot. When he shot the gun he turned sideways to target put his forearm straight to his right turned the pistol upside down/ sideways and fired 4 shots while looking the other direction. In the old west this is called shooting from the hip. He thought thats how you shoot a gun. I truly believe the person at the hands of all this smut being processed on the other board has been raised like this. He needs a mentor real bad. Its never too late.

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2008
  3. LVA8412

    LVA8412 New Member

    Marichal, I can vouch that you are not lva8412. Nor do I know you, nor leha nor jojoheart. But, of course, the fine folks at the lva forum, will say that you or leha or jojoheart simply registered on this site as lva8412, posted what I am now writing, only to fool the folks at lva. So, when dealing with poeple who are always right like "ASK JOE" -- they will never admit they can be wrong. They'll just simply go on accusing you of being me-lva8412 - and of barney being a liar. Accusations are easy, but coming up with proof, or owning up to your own chalenges and promises is another thing.

    I feel bad that you were dragged into this by my postings, but i relaly felt that unanswered questions about the club and ubt should be brought up since many of us are paying members of the club and have been told that new and excitng things were coming, and are concerned about glitches in their system (beat the pro no-show, outages, cruise-a-day promises, etc.).
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Asking hard questions of the self-anointed expert over there will provoke one of two possible responses.
    Either you'll be slammed and/or insulted for asking, or the whole thing will simply be ignored.

    One guy has his own little sandbox and doesn't want anyone playing in it unless he approves.
    Instead of the playground bully tactic of beating them up, he verbally blasts at them until they give up and go away.
    In this case, most have.

    For those who feel the need to hide behind Internet anonymity, more power to you. I'm not against that.
    Just understand that an anonymous opinion or statement carries a lot less weight than one from a known source! :p

    Thank goodness we still have THIS site, where much of what transpires elsewhere is not tolerated.
    Barney, had you been openly called a LIAR here, I'd bet Ken would bounce someone out ASAP. As he should.
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Anyone believing and/or caring that your opinions weigh more with the absence of anonymity then no alias should be used or the real name and location of the alias owner should be placed in their profile.
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Gee, Barney, I've never made any secret of my identity. :confused:
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I wasnt

    Thinking of you directly just speaking in general. Several people know my real full name here but a vast majority dont. I know your first real name- Nut- and have read your last I think I remember it. But, to say using an alias diminishes your opinions weight is like saying if you feel strongly about something you should sign your real name because most dont know your name only alias. Unless you think youre so famous you dont need to :laugh: (btw Ive had two people at live games think Im a famous player LMAO:laugh: )

    Personally I think its smoke and mirror crap what was said on the other board about hiding behind aliases as some were trying to shed light off the real problem a guy who uses his name and first initial. But thats JMO.

    BTW, JoeP labeled me as a coward for using my 86ed alias Joes Crab Shack. Like it was a secret.
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Well, Barney, we'll just have to disagree on the point of credibility for the opinions of someone hiding behind an Internet alias. At least we can do that here without being attacked. :rolleyes:

    As far as my own identity, I won't do that in a blatant fashion on a public access online forum. Anybody who is wondering can watch next week's UBT rerun.

    BTW, I thought "Joe's Crab Shack" was a hilarious choice!

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