For Your Consideration

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    My tenure here at BJT has allowed me to share tournament information, openly discuss strategy, and answer any and all questions from any of the 6,000 plus members who have asked me either through emails, private message or on a public post. Some have even called into the radio show to ask me how I would have played a particular hand or what bet I would have made in the same situation. One caller even asked if I could explain how to set up the surrender trap, a very valuable tournament tool that most pros will not openly speak about. I have, on numerous occasions, taken my time to post tournament teasers for all to sink their teeth into and learn from. I also have recorded the last 5 hands of most major blackjack tournaments that were held in Las Vegas, and, as of late, ones I was not even playing in - but I still went there to capture that valuable information , or anywhere else that I was attending a tournament. These last 5 hand reports were provided to all posters and lurkers as a service of this site. I have also taken the time to personally keep every one updated to the events and results that were occurring in Aruba and St Kitt’s for those who were not able to attend these premiere UBT events. I have enjoyed doing all of this and I thank you for allowing me to share this with you. I always have believed if you share - it will come back to you, and it has. I have developed great friendships here that will last a lifetime - there is nothing more important than family, and good friends. I have achieved that here and would not trade that for anything in the world.

    But as of late, there have been some members here - some who have been around for a while, some relative new - that have in my opinion taken unwarranted shots at my character and reputation and even have suggested that my sexual preferences are “other than straight”. What does that have to do with blackjack? , Let me make it absolutely clear I’m as straight as the sun is bright. And, no I NEVER TOUCHED Barney S. while counting his chips at a table as he claims. There have even been members that established their accounts on BJT recently and it only took them only a few days before they started taking shots at me. No new member would even have a valid reason to do such a thing. It is an obvious conclusion to me and others that these “Fake” new members will always be known to me as the 2 or 3 established members who tried to hide behind their new BJT names and create problems, There is one member here with the initials B.S. who, in a short time, has over 610 post and I still can’t find one that provides anything worthwhile to tournament strategy or even one asking a thoughtful question of the pros that post here. One could easily say that all or most of his post are B.S. I guess his initials fit him perfectly.

    There is a member here who must have (or at least should have) known that it could not possibly have been the case when he posted that I violated my moderator privileges and was peering into other member’s private messages - yet he posted that in an open public forum. Of course Ken Smith came on to reassure everyone that not only was I not guilty of that, but it was impossible for it to be done. Ken also stated that the whole time I had that moderator privilege I never once violated it. I want to thank Ken for setting the record straight. There are grounds here for possible legal action against this member and I haven’t ruled that out yet. I don’t take slander of my character lightly and if you don’t believe me, ask the staff over at Green Valley Ranch who took the liberty of calling me a cheater on national TV because I’m a card counter. I guess making good TV is paramount over defaming someone, and they now regret saying that -, trust me!

    My personality will not allow me to stand stoic as a two or three members try to chop me down - it’s just not in me to do that. Yet when I fire back they go running and complain to the powers that be that I’m bullying them. Please to those who have said that - never admit publicly that you were bullied over a keyboard its borders on sheer idiotic nonsense. If you were to look up the definition of Bully its will say “someone who picks on someone smaller” or weaker of a person. Do you really look upon your self as a weak person? I sure don’t tower over you on a keyboard.

    You need to know if you are going to start lies and half truths about me don’t run and hide under your little blankets when I fire back at you. It is so UN- American. Stand behind your words, have a backbone or think twice before you speak. Or you could just not lie about me and all would be good.

    I have never posted a lie or misinformation on this board and, of that I‘m proud. There was even a poll asking if I should be banned and the poll was structured so that no one who voted would have they votes made public yet even with that safety net in place, only 2 members out of the 758 who viewed it voted to ban me. The “Brain Child” of that poll I’m sure, was only 1 of the 2 votes to ban me. There is even this crazy idea of mine that he may have voted twice using another name, no one would do that here right?! - sign on as a different name so that they could vote twice? Or say something about me under the protection of their new BJT name?!

    To the members here who posted on that “Ban Joe” thread one calling it the most idiotic poll ever and some other quotes were “that others needed to be banned long before Joe is” - I thank all you for speaking up when you didn’t have to. I will always remember that.

    There was even a member who never ever speaks up when stuff like this goes on yet he took the time to come on publicly and stated that it was every given members right to speak their mind, like it or not. He commended me for taking the “High Road” in my posts immediately subsequent to the “poll to ban me post”. Yet he never advocated lying as speaking your mind. This seems to take place very often here, and when I, or anyone else points it out, the usual suspects retract their statements and or “Lies” and then try to make it a positive point by saying “at least I admit when I’m wrong’. No, you need admit to your misstatement when you are caught in a lie - Let the real truth be told!

    To any members here who I may have shocked with my words that I used in self defense of my reputation and or pointing out blatant lies about me or any of my many dear friends here on BJT who were publicly chastised or blasted because they spoke up in my defense. Please accept my apology. I believe that most knew that the post referring to Bunnytrix getting her cherry popped was a reference to her getting back off from a gaming table for the first time for a form of advantage play .It was actually Bunny that suggested and approved of the post before it was even put up, it was always meant as a humorous post. But some selected “New” members claimed they were appalled by it. Or was it really just another chance to try to make me look bad. History does have a habit of repeating itself
    If the playing of a tape on the radio show of a member here threatening Russ Hamilton was over the top for you I apologize, but we all believed the true character of that person should be heard, then all could draw their your own conclusions about his character as opposed to doing to him what has been done to me. But in the end, the truth sometimes hurts especially if you are the source of the lie or the threat.

    With that being said I am considering my future posts of tournament teasers, strategy and current tournament news including live updates from all UBT Tour stops and last 5 hand reports at the following web sites. Where they will be able to stand on their own merit.

    If you want to come out from under you blankets you can always find me at

    Keep in mine at Dave’s place no one can save you or come to your rescue. J

    I hope I haven’t offended anyone with this post!!!!!

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2006
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Lets get this straight

    Joe said
    <But as of late, there have been some members here - some who have been around for a while, some relative new - that have in my opinion taken unwarranted shots at my character and reputation and even have suggested that my sexual preferences are “other than straight”. What does that have to do with blackjack? , Let me make it absolutely clear I’m as straight as the sun is bright. And, no I NEVER TOUCHED Barney S. while counting his chips at a table as he claims. .>>

    I never and I mean NEVER questioned your sexuality as I have tried to assure you during PMs. I told your song bird a kind of fat kind of old guy with curley longish hair squeezed between me and someone else during the last 5 hands at a tournament touching me incidentally. The person touched me. SO WHAT. I never said it had to do with this person being gay. Get this straight. I NEVER QUESTIONED YOUR SEXUALITY I DONT CARE. You publicly accusing me of saying so is a lie. I dont even know if it was you but your song bird assured me it was on my description.

    Also, your problem with me has to do with me asking you questions about UBT. Almost everyone was answered by you by calling me Barney Stoned and then chastising and belittling me. You say you love to answer questions? BS.

  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Happy couple!

    Hey guys, when's the big day? Can I be a bridesmaid?


  4. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Can,t we all get along


  5. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Joep Poll

    The replies to the thread “Should Joe be banned” were all negative about the poll and the majority of members on this site treated it with the contempt that it deserved.

    Maybe the few that did vote should reveal themselves and be counted.

  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Consider this

    Ghermanski makes three posts on this site in 2004 and two of them are about Celebrity Blackjack.

    Two years later, he or she suddenly reappears and becomes bold enough to take on Joe Pane and set up a poll to vote him off the site.

    Something on here stinks to me.

  7. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User

    The witch is back...just for a minute...

    There is a beast in every one of us that wants to run unbridled and without consequence, and his identical twin brother, a coward who desires to speak freely while all other tongues are tied… and then there is jealousy – their father:
    "O, beware, my lord of jealousy;
    It is the green-ey'd monster which doth mock
    The meat it feeds on."
    --From Othello (III, iii, 165-167)

    Regardless, of what any one on this forum may have construed, I haven’t any personal vendetta with Joep – I simply believe that “uppity” decorum is what confines the beast and warns the coward the beast may break free… and, I’m a prude, so I had a problem with the “cherry” thing – sincerely Joep, but, then I don’t think sexual preference is something anyone should bring up on a public forum concerning blackjack either, for that matter, not even jokingly...

    Yes, yes, I know, you heard the rumblings of my broomstick before I even landed…hehehe…the witch is back, but only for a limited engagement --- I'll leave now...lucky you! Ciao.
  8. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User

    Oh...and just one more thing, before I go...

    maybe everyone involved in this could take some of the blame, and then, it could all just be called "over?" Tell you what, I'll go first. I'm just a little, petite shrimp (female, in fact), with an oversized vocabulary, and a smart mouth, who came on this site, didn't like some of what I read, you know, the "cherry" thing, for instance, had a little more than usual time on my hands, and let er' rip...

    In fact, if it would bring peace to this entire forum, everyone could simply blame me... call me the "trouble-maker," get out the cocktail sauce, grab a few beers, and you guys all come together now, shake hands and make "nice." Seriously...I mean it...

    Now, I'm outta here...don't make me have to stop this broomstick!

    Peace! Please?
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    ...Oh, and when you've finished brushing up the kitchen, iron me a shirt!



    PS. Only joking :joker: ! You like?
  10. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User

    Change the oil...

    ...only after you change the oil in my broomstick, take out the trash, and mow the lawn... "dear."

    What's not to like? hehehe

    All's good...and they lived "happily ever after..."
  11. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Oh come on!

    What’s up with you CelticAngel?

    You have some exchanges with a few members on here and you want to rush off and take your broom stick home with you.

    If it is any consolation to you, I am getting attacked in the pm and probably soon in the main forum.

    Don’t take it personally. Stay with it girl and keep on the site.

    Andy ;)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2006
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

  13. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User


    Absolutely delusional, but totally adorable, none-the-less! Very cute... thank you.

    I appreciate the time and the effort you put into that. I feel loved, I truly do.
    But-- I really do think you could have been nicer to JoeP, he has a much better figure than that!

    Ciao Sweetie.
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    And then there was one little...pom pom, pom pom, pom pom.

    Considering wastelands and detriments. JOEP did what he posted at the top of this thread, long before this sight existed. Nothing changed with him.

    And ah, argh, oh well....When someone has to exault themselves by telling others of their preceived superiority, or inteligence, re Vocabulary and insight,, the fact of the matter is that that individual is usually lacking in all areas they pretend to posses.
  15. tgun

    tgun Member

    don't go

    You're way too tough to let a few new members drive you off. You are an extremely valuable contributor here. I have learned much from your posts. I don't agree with all of your posts, but I don't agree with all of anyone's posts. So what!

    Joe, please don't quit!

    Let's all get back to "Blackjack Tournaments".

    Tom (tgun)
  16. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    And noman

    <<the fact of the matter is that that individual is usually lacking in all areas they pretend to posses.>>

    As it be so for the bully. When the pretend play theme is "PAIN" and when the bully finds some "PAIN" in return he runs and hides in a safe place. I guess we have seen proof in what you say.
  17. noman

    noman Top Member


  18. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    OK, Barney, it's your turn to make a genuine effort to get along. Did this post help the atmosphere at BJT? I don't think so.
    I suppose it's technically not name-calling, so I won't delete it. But I'm not happy with the tone here.

    People, PLEASE, can't we just get over this crap?

    Joe currently thinks I'm picking on him because I decided to delete a post of his where he called you a name. And, it's true, there are tons of older posts that were much more offensive. But, I feel like I have to do SOMETHING to stem the tide of nasty jabs back and forth.

    Frankly, I don't know what the answer is.
    Rather than ramble aimlessly in this reply, I'll post yet another thread to try to catch everyone up from my point of view.
  19. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Short and Sweet


    A public thanks for the time you've spent mentoring, encouraging, critiqueing and educating me in tournament play since the first day I emailed you in 2004 with a strategy question prior to my first tournament with a 5 figure prize fund, you responded with a complete explanation without knowing who the Hell I was.

    I've graduated from that first "shaky hand when stacking chips" tournament to participating in about 20 Las Vegas tournaments this year that each paid $20,000 to $50,000 for first and have cashed for slightly less than $15,000 which won't send a child to college but is basically a 60 day free vacation in Sin City.

    For any Nay Sayers of this post I also give credit for what success I've had to three other mentors and friends in State alphabetical order, Alabama, California and Oklahoma, you can hang your hat on that. I would advise anyone critical of Joe that's interested in improving their BJ tournament skills, don't cut your nose off to spite your face. Spend your time not typing but reading maybe printing and filing his tournament tips, it could be money in the bank. Two quotes I'll never forget are " You can't lose weight talking about it, you gotta keep your mouth shut" and "You ain't gonna learn talkin, you gotta listen".

    Joe, if your future posts are exclusive to other sites it will certainly increase the hits they receive but let me say something to you I never said to my ex wife "Please don't leave".
  20. CelticAngel

    CelticAngel Banned User


    ("And ah, argh, oh well....When someone has to exault themselves by telling others of their preceived superiority, or inteligence, re Vocabulary and insight,, the fact of the matter is that that individual is usually lacking in all areas they pretend to posses.")

    So, is that "your" perceived superiority, intelligence, and insight talking there, noman?

    Has anyone here noticed, that while some keep saying, "stop, stop, stop," they seem to mean "more, more, more?"

    In very simple terms, how's this? Unless "please stop" means "more please," (maybe more of that "blackjack" vernacular, I'm not familiar with?)... STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT WHAT YOU JUST KEEP EGGING ON!!!

    And, please, stop ganging up on each other... it's absolutely pathetic when it takes "more than one" to stand up to "one"...

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