Fred Renzey's Blackjack Bluebook II available now

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I've just added another new item to the BlackjackInfo store, and this one is long overdue.

    I've had Fred Renzey's Blackjack Bluebook II recommended to me for years, but somehow never got around to buying it. I recently remedied that, and now I see what all the fuss was about.

    Blackjack Bluebook II really does occupy a unique place in the blackjack literature, and it should be on every player's shelf. I think this may well be my new recommendation for the best introduction to blackjack. Nonetheless, that description should not scare away more experienced players. There's something here for every experience level from neophyte to experienced card counter.

    Renzey's coverage of the middle ground between basic strategy and card counting is unique in the literature, and his description of these ideas is bound to improve your understanding of the game.

    Blackjack Bluebook II is available now for immediate shipping.
    To buy, click here.

    Attached Files:

  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Love it

    Blackjack Bluebook II, Second favorite to John Patrick's Advanced Blackjack.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Wow, I'm not sure how to respond to that. John Patrick's books are about the worst out there. He advocates a playing strategy that isn't even close to basic strategy.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Most of his variations are off charts that depend upon the count. Here are his standard variations on a neutral count

    10 vs dealers 2 Hit
    11 vs dealers 2 Hit
    A-A vs dealers 2 Hit
    4-4 dealers 4 split
    5-5 dealers 2 hit
    8-8 dealers 10 Hit
    8-8 dealers A Hit
    8-8 dealers 9 Hit

    Most of these are negated or reinforced by the count. I still split A-A against the dealer 2 all the time but use the others as directed by the count.

    What made me a winner at BJ is this book. There is great advice on money management and betting discipline and playing discipline in general. Each to their own I guess. For me the practiced techniques have proven the book.
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I hope

    Im not going to get a 3 day vacation for liking John Patrick! :laugh:
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Not to worry. Ken does not give 3 day vacations for playing bad blackjack.

    If you are indeed winning it is not because you are using these variations from Basic Strategy on a neutral count. It is because you are counting cards and betting more with high counts etc. So let's not give this clown any credit for writing a good Blackjack book. The variations you quoted on a neutral count are mathematically unsound. However, if you like John Patrick's book then you'll love Richard Harvey. Among the many unconventional plays he pushes, he says never split Aces. Just wanted to make these comments so the rest of the members don't go afoul by reading bad material.

    PS: I don't understand how 2 books that are contrary to each other be the 2 favorites of a given player. :confused: :rolleyes: :cool:
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2007
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Well toolman

    <<If you are indeed winning it is not because you are using these variations from Basic Strategy on a neutral count>>

    No, its because I am disciplined; which is the most important part of his recommendations I think stands above the small strat variations that offend you

    2)Knowledge of game
    3)Money management

    One tip he offered that really helped me was not over betting high counts. If the count jumps I will ramp my bet 25%-50% on a single hand, altho at times take two spots.

    The most important thing he stresses, in the book, is stop loss discipline. Stop losses and managing winnings. Its really all about discipline.

    Toolman, its sounds as tho you have read the book. May I ask when?;)
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I have the book. I picked it up at the book store a while ago but I have not read it cover to cover. The cover and introduction looked intriguing so I bought it. I'm always looking for that extra bit of information that is not widely known. However, that "extra bit of information" must be mathematically sound for me to incorporate it into my play. Once I started to "thumb through" the book and found that many of the plays Mr. Patrick pushes are mathematically unsound, I closed it and never re-opened it. I suppose I should throw it in the trash but that would add extra weight and don't want to give the trash collector a hernia. :)

    Anyway, I'm glad to see you are only endorsing things like money management. I never got that far from my brief reading.
  9. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Not to say that I agree,

    With John Patricks blackjack books, because I have not read. I was would be interested in knowing other members thoughts on his other books. I have purchased Patricks, Craps & Advanced Craps books and found them to be interesting reads. Seems to go into good detail on many different types of dice play.
  10. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Barney's strange play


    I knew there had to be a reason I always beat you at tournament tables:D

    now we know why:laugh:
  11. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    The funny thing is

    If you look at those variations, they almost exactly match your suggestions on how to play BJT!:joker: :laugh:
  12. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    Barney's Strange Play #2

    Barney -

    actually they don't - they are quite different -

    I use a playing strategy based on risk of ruin assumptions - ask and I will send the latest version to you -

    I can not figure out what your/Patrick's variations are based on - they truely do not make any sense - and I only recommend a risk adverse strategy for tbj - not for regular play

    so, do you lose as badly in regular play as in tournaments:confused:
  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    RKuczec cut down #1 and #2

    >>Originally Posted by RKuczek

    "I knew there had to be a reason I always beat you at tournament tables

    now we know why"

    "So, do you lose as badly in regular play as in tournaments"


    Ill see you at River Palms to prove these;)
  14. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Buy it!

    My comment has buried Kens suggestion to buy a very good book. I hope everyone makes a purchase from his store time to time. I will be signing up for soon to debate what I have found to be a proven method of winning at tables and bringing good comp value. Very busy this week and on vacation next tho.

  15. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Renzeys book is one of the best! He also posts and answers questions often at BJ info....

    The book has levels of advancement that suits a beginner but also extremely advanced players as well as the deeper you get into the book the more advanved methods of count are explained...

    His math and logic are second to none!!!

    Lots of little hints that help any level of player to play with more AP power....

    First Rate...!!!! If I could only have one book.....this would be it.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2007
  16. Venture

    Venture Member


    I have not read Patrick's book, but I have seen one of his videos. Steer clear of this guy. C'mon!

    Renzy is an entertaining author. He gives a different slant. He is contorversial but interesting. He offers some "advanced basic strategy". I would say very marginally helpful, but always an interesting read. He and D.S. seem to be in disagreement many times. You can sort that out for yourself.

    Personally, I enjoy reading his work, simply for his unique style. He does participate in forums and is very accessible for Q & A. Give him good marks for that!
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    A Wasted Tree

    It would only take someone who knew something about blackjack about two pages to realize that any book about this game that was wriiten By John Patrick was worthless.Now if you were paper training your new puppy then the book takes on a whole new avenue of wealth.

  18. BlueLight

    BlueLight Active Member

    Patrick's recommedations?

    Here are some numbers for some of Patrick's recommendations verses basic strategy.

    Dealer hits soft 17 for an infinite deck, which is about as neutral a deck as there can be.

    Hitting?? Instead of doubling!! with 5-5 vs dealer 2.


    Hit?......... .5493 .......... .0823 .......... .3684 ............. X1 = +.1810

    Double!.... .5500 .......... .0785 .......... .3715 ............. X1 = +.1785
    ........................................................................... X2 = +.3569

    Yes, you will have a slightly greater net win rate "EV" (FOR A ONE UNIT BET) by hitting to 13 rather than doubling down for less - that is doubling for 0. On the average you will win .1810 for a dollar bet.
    However by Doubling for the full amount in this FAVORABLE situation you will win almost 2X the Hit rate.
    You must take full advantage of these favorable basic strategy situations to offset situations where after the cards are delt you are at a disadvantage.

    Another recommendation is: Hitting?? Instead of standing!! with A-8 vs 9


    Hit?....... .4205 ........... .1669 .......... .4126 .................... +.0079

    Stand!... .4684 ........... .3508 .......... .1808 .................... +.2876

    Here standing is clearly better (no need to risk more money by doubling)

    For a one deck game with these cards delt from a fresh deck where the dealer stands on soft 17:

    Stand..(H17S19)............. .2880
    Hit......(H17S20)............. .0050

    Thorp's book "Beat The Dealer" gives the EV = .2880 for correct basic strategy (standing) in table 4 in the back of his book.


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