Freeroll at UB/Bet21

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by RKuczek, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    UB and Bet21 are doing a freeroll this weekend for a trip to vegas - starts saturday the 16th - with tournaments every few hours - finals Monday evening -
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    First Freeroll is 3:30 EST - Imagine that just 30 minutes AFTER the premier of UBT on CBS! Why that would give first time viewers 30 minutes to log on to and try their hand at what they just saw!

    Like shooting fish in a barrel! :laugh:
  3. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    thrasht is in the house

    I'll be there ready to rock at 12:30pm pacific time. Good Luck to all.
  4. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    More Information

    I just went over and registered for todays freeroll and it should be noted that there will be 13 freeroll qualifying tourneys between today and Monday. The top six people advance from each freeroll to play Monday night at 9:30pm eastern time. The winner receives an all paid trip to Vegas along with $1000 credited to their account. Let's have some fun over the next few days.
  5. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    As Antonio Banderas once said in Desperado, "LET'S PLAY". :gun:
  6. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I'm gonna play the freeroll, but...

    There's like a thousand players registered for the first one. Good luck trying to make the final table in that field :laugh:
  7. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    server problems?

    Are they having server problems?

    It says the first freeroll got cancelled and the one at 7:30 is locked up. I am into round three, but it looks like two tables from round two didn't start. Don't know what they are going to do, maybe cancel this one too?

    Sure would be nice to have a chat feature to find out what is going on!

  8. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Right There With You

    I'm in the same boat with you Ptaylorcpa. I sent a message to their customer service but have not heard back. I agree with you about the live chat feature. I didn't know they cancelled the first freeroll as I bombed out early in that one.
  9. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    first cancel

    If you go to their list of completed tourneys it shows it was cancelled. It doesn't make any sense to cancel it unless they had a major problem. It almost looks like there are still tables playing, but there are also two tables showing everyone with 25000 and if you click on those names it appears that they are still at hand one waiting to start.

    Will be interesting to see how they handle this.
  10. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Still Running

    I guess we just hang on until they cancel it or fix it. Do I dare play the $20 + $2 tourney in 15 minutes. Do you know if you can play two tables at once in different tourneys or sit' n gos?
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, you can play multiple tables.
  12. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    found way to chat

    If you can find the table that is locked up you can go there and chat with everyone. No administrator, just a lot of complaining. Just go find someone with 25000 bankroll and join the table.

    I have never played multiple tables, but you may be okay since this tourney is just sitting.
  13. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Thank You

    I'm playint the $20 tourney right now and will keep checking back with the freeroll to see if it starts back up. Thank you again.
  14. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    if it starts

    you should get a pop up window to join a table, don't know what happens if they cancel, guess you get one for that too
  15. thrasht

    thrasht New Member


    I thought I would have got an answer by now from their live table customer support. They say they prioritize their responces. I guess a locked up freeroll is not as important as tourneys and sit'n go's where folks are using their hard earned dollars. They still have us playing in the freeroll. Hope springs eternal.
  16. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    next one

    I am optimistic that maybe I can advance to round 3 in the next one too.


    Does this mean they will just have less people in the monday night finals or will they extend the days to play it later?

    Maybe the best bet is to play in all the sats and if one of them actually finishes, you win your way into a final table on Monday!
  17. thrasht

    thrasht New Member


    You raise lots of good questions ptaylor. I apprieciate your being optimistic. That's always a good thing. I've seen technical problems on all of the BJ tourney sites. We'll see how Bet21 handles this one. With Global-Player when they've had technical problems Pumi has always made a great effort to make the players happy. I know the few times they've had technical problems when I've played Pumi has always refunded my entrance money and gave me a free $15 sit n' go. Even in Global's freerollswhen they have problems they give something to the players which is greatly appreciated. It's all about customer support these days and we'll see how bet21 handles today's problems.

    I'm just having a hard time believing it's been almost 90 minutes since the problem started and nothing has been resolved or said to the players. They should give us a pop screen telling us what is going on. has that ability and Global has the live chat where Pumi will let the players know what is going on.
  18. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    no notice

    It got cancelled, but the table we were using to chat never closed. People came and went till they listed the tournament as cancelled on the main page. No notice to anyone, so there are probably at least 50 people wondering what happened.

    They really need to add a chat feature in their lobby so people can find out what is going on and an administrator can post messages.

    Give Global a big thumbs up for their chat and taking care of players.
  19. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Oh Well

    I'll be interested to see how Bet21 handles this one. It's not the end of the world but it's still frustrating to know we outplayed almost 1100 folks and might not get anything for our efforts. On the flip side if Bet21 does something to make it right I'll post it here.
  20. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Bet21 Customer Support

    As I mentioned in my previous post I would let you all know if Bet21 made things right. They definitley did as you can tell from their response that I have posted below. Thank you Bet21

    Our players are extremely important to us, and we wanted to apologize for the tournament issues that you experienced in the TBJ tournament on Saturday night.

    As you are a valuable customer, and your business is important to us, we have automatically registered you into the Blackjack Blitz final event on Monday September 18 at 9:30pm EST.

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