Freeroll Winners

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by fgk42, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, it's official

    Stubbs & LeftNut have been to a final table! Both have contributed HERE at In fact Stubbs won not one but two (2) freeroll tables :flame:

    Ok guys, come clean, tell all the members here what your secrets are!
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    FYI, The new UBT contracts prohibit revealing the results prior to air date. I'm not sure of the reason for the change, but I don't think it was UBT's idea.
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I dont think Stubbs won 2 seats....only the one....

    I cant find the history of games where he won the second seat...

    He could certainly talk about winning a seat in a free roll....just not the results of the final table match of that won seat ....

    If he did win two well its because he plays so often...must be his full time job playing free

    Good for him....
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    No big secret

    There's no real secret to winning a freeroll - just get seriously lucky as hell. I won one, so anybody can. I'll post more here-n-there later, work has slammed me hard since I returned from L.A. Those of you who thought I was going to do a douchekitty-style disappearance will be sadly disappointed. You can't get rid of me that easily. :D
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    You were right Fred...

    I talked to Stubbs during a game last night...

    He did indeed win two free

    This is an amazing accomplishment!

    Granted the first one for Aruba was easier because no one knew about it and only a relative few actually played...but the second free roll was played by the masses....and to win it is quite an accomplishment...

    Hes either the luckiest or most skilled or both....

    After this accomplishment he should be able to call himself the Legendary World Champ of the UBT tour....!!!!!

    Good job Stubbs.....I cant wait to hear how you did in LA...

    No matter though...just by winning the second free roll makes it an accomplishment that no one can top....

    When are you gonna write a book?..;-)
  6. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member


    Thanks Rando and Fred for the kind words.

    It is true... I have qualified twice through freerolls:celebrate

    The first qualifier for Aruba was a bit easier. I played in one sit n go, one
    qualifier, then the finals. That seemed like a piece of cake. If I remember
    correctly, there was somewhere around 150 players in the final. Honestly
    at that time I was very new to this format, I didnt have much stratagy, and
    played.... well lets just say I Got Lucky. :cool:

    For the most part I thought this was a once in a lifetime experience. Going to
    Aruba expenses paid, meeting Phil, Annie, Ken S., Ken E., Monica, Devil Fish,
    etc.etc. In my mind I thought this trip was my 15 min. of fame. Playing
    at the final table gave me much inspiration.

    When I got home I played nonstop trying to improve my game, I was hooked.
    The LA freeroll quallifiers were difficult. Alot of players with one stratagy... all or nothing.
    Which I learned to wait them out if I could, unless the dealer gave up 6
    hands in a row then your in trouble. It took a few tries and I was in the finals.

    995 people for 6 spots, merly impossible. I played slow and smart. Made big moves when I needed to and most of all got the cards. When I finished and found myself heading to another final table I felt...redemption. From the crap a few of you said about me on this site and at the tables when I quallied for Aruba. :flame:

    LA was a great experience. The best part was sitting in the green room after our taping drinking champaine and watchig Chan, HD, Annie and JoeP go at on the taping of Blacjack vs. Poker stars, all the while sitting next to Ken S. While he, Blechman, and Mattews talk percentages and moves on each hand. Annie and HD are really good, thats an understatment. I hope one day all of you get the opportunity.

    I thank Russ Hamilton every night in my prayers for mine :D
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Confession time

    I think it's OK to post this, since UBT has released me from the silence clause in my player's contract.

    Since Joep already posted this news on the LVA forums, I think it's OK to reveal it here. Stubbs, congratulations on winning two freerolls - and especially on picking off the brass ring in your TV game in L.A.! My mere 2nd place finish in my own game was, according to Anthony Curtis, the best showing an Internet freeroller had ever made. And it lasted less than 24 hours! Way to go, Stubbs, us lowly Internet freeroll qualifiers are giving 'em a helluva run for the money. I think this is what UBT and TBJ needs. Show the public that lightning can strike for anyone, and hopefully if some see success in free games, they'll be tempted to try the real thing

    For me, the best part came right after I got eliminated. As I wandered about under the stands, in a daze that I had actually done that well, Anthony walked over and told me that he was really surprised at how well I played. Then I got similar words from Ken E., Blair Rodman, and even Hollywood Dave said that he thought I was the best at the table. Max Rubin found me in the green room, looked me right square in the eye and said something like "You studied a lot for this, didn't you?"..... I was floored, to say the least. Later on, it was sitting in the Hilton's bar with Anthony, Max, and Joe, having a few drinks and talking about the game. What I'd done right, what I'd done wrong. Any criticism from those guys was welcome - if Tiger Woods tells you that you played a great round but here's where you could have done better, you shut up and listen. A lot.

    Now, for the confession. The adventure isn't over yet. You see, the mystery Aruba freeroll winner was my ladyfriend, Deb. She waded through about 1,150 entries to win it all. Since I got hosed in the first round of that one, I sat behind her and watched the whole thing unfold. Absolutely unbelievable! As it turns out, we're not going to do Aruba, instead we'll be at the Palms in April. So, all you guys who pontificated that I might do a douchekitty-style vanishing act after the TV taping were seriously wrong, but then you didn't know the whole story. :D

    By the way, some of you guys give HD a lot of sh** here. After sitting there on stage with him and watching him play, I'll tell you that he's scary-good at this stuff. Had he enjoyed the same lucky cards as I did early on, he'd have kicked my lame ploppy a$$ all the way back to Michigan. However, I think he was rather surprised when he turned his verbal guns in my direction. Didn't expect me to fire back like that, did ya? :laugh:

    I sincerely thank Russ Hamilton, too. That might have been the finest weekend I've ever enjoyed.

    - LeftNut :2nd: and damn happy about it!
  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

  9. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Proud of you Leftnut

    Congratulations. I knew you would do well after watching you play.

    What's the prize structure on tv?:)
  10. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member

    Thanks Leftnut...

    Congrats yourself...:celebrate... see you in Las Vegas :cheers:
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thank you, Archie, Stubbs, & Rando! Stubbs, I look forward to meeting you in Vegas. I'm really anticipating that trip, since we'll be able to meet (and re-meet, if that's a word) many fine folks in the BJT community while, in my case, indulging in copious amounts of adult beverages without concern for trying to play at a TV table with the aftereffects. Party Time! :p

    The prize payout on TV was as follows, although there might be alterations for specific events.

    1st - $40K + free 10K seat in the $1M event next fall
    2nd - $20K
    3rd - $10K
    4th - $7K
    5th - $6K
    6th - $4K
    7th - $3K
  12. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Congrats Guys And Gals On Your Wins Sounds Like A Great Time For All And I Bet That Was A Good Feeling Meeting The Pros- Max Rubin Is The One Who Got Me Started Me On Tournaments When He Hosted The World Series Of Blackjack And Yes After My First Win I Am Hooked Also And Will Be At One Or Both Of These Tournaments In The Future
    Good Job Guys:d :d

    BLACKJACK4U New Member

    Congrats all that made it!
    I try to play as much as I can at UBT. Trying to be like you guys. I would be stunned to get a free chance.....
    Congrats again...
  14. Stubbs

    Stubbs New Member

    Congrats to your lady friend Left...

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