
Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Monkeysystem, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    It's getting really hard to win in the daily UBT freerolls. They're betting so big that the lucky lottery winners are the ones who advance. It doesn't help that the dealer busts hand 1 75% of the time.
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I don't know how you can put yourself through it repeatedly, it's like torture. You must be a masochist :D

    I'd rather have lighted matches pushed under my toenails than play another freeroll.


  3. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    House of Horrors

    I was doing quite well until the past two or three weeks. I got MrsMonkey in my first or second try. Since then, nothing but frustration.

    I've gotten past round 2 only once, being stopped at round 3. The past couple of days the number of bankrolls over 100K has been unprecedented, as far as I've noticed. Five figure bets in the first set of eight hands are at an all time high.

    I'm thinking of giving up on them. I'd rather be put to the rack and gutted out then keep doing this. :mad:
  4. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    I've gotten really frustrated too - like I posted earlier - I think nine of the daily's in a row - only got out of round 1 twice - then tanked in round two both times - :mad:

    but then - I got through to the main event again - after only two or three tries - for the Paris trip - second time I have gotten through - to a main event -

    I think the frustration is that the total ploppy play is so frustrating to deal with - no rational betting or play - but - if you stop and look at your actual over all results - good play still gives you an edge - and you'll see it show up in the percentage of times you do get through -

    when I look back over all the freerolls entered - not that many really - and that I made it through twice - I would be happy to have that record in major tourneys with 4 or 5 rounds to the final table - I would be making money -

    but in the freerolls - you need to do it twice in a row to get a payoff - and that is very difficult - like winning two majors in a row -
  5. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Worst of all ...

    I never see even one free roll players name in a real money game so that I can maybe win a dollar from them!:confused:

    Its a bunch of cheap ploppies playing the game like it is acculimination style and sadly the result is a negative impression overall for everyone but the winner....

    These free rolls have removed the skill factor and replaced that with all in ...all luck,

    Please dont hit me here with the rare exception....I know you can win ocasionally overcoming luck with skill and luck. These free rolls are ruining the game.

    If my spelling and grammer are worse than usual...its becasuse something is going on with my vision and I cant see all that well...??????
    I havent been playing for the same reason.

    Anyone know how I can make the little letters bigger...?

    My wife read me the discussion about online funding and some thoughts about the actual playing being illegal...

    I have read several legal opinions (which when I can see again I will find ) and not one felt that it is illegal to play online poker or tournament BJ...
    The law regulates the funding of online accounts and is directed at banks (who will never ever ever never) start paying to track every single transaction including checks... aint gonna happen.

    They are gonna hafta start building lots more jail cells if they gonna try stopping online poker...forget bout it.
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    freerolls and concern about rando's eyes

    thing is - no matter how frustrating - good play will give you an edge - and the worse the play of the ploppies - the bigger your edge - for all the griping about the insane play in the TEC sngs - I win 1 of 3 - that's a pretty good edge when the raw odds are 1 of 7 - and my 'strategy' is min bet the first few hands - then aggressively counter bet - very simple - but frustrating when I go several in a row and don't win and the drunk-all-in-guys are bjing every hand - then I win three or four in a row and feel good again - just play well - and let the odds work - I have gotten through two of the qualifiers - and into the main events - can I win a main event - ? work out the probs - unlikely for anyone - but - I'll buy that my chances are a little better than the average -

    rando - I am now concerned about your vision - are you seriously having problems? if so - have you seen a doctor? cataracts? amaurosis fujax? - what's going on? need we be concerned about you? -
  7. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    All this time I thought it was just me that was having a hard time at the free-rolls.

    Hey Rando21,

    I seem to have the same problem. “It’s called getting old”.:p

    First you find your self holding the news paper at arms length and then you find your arms aren’t long enough anymore so you start using reading glasses, Then you realize you also needed them to see the bet amounts placed by your online tournament opponents.. (It gets worse!)

    Now you decide it’s time to upgrade to a 20" monitor because the 15" or 17" monitor just doesn’t cut it any more. The 20" monitor works great for awhile, but then you need those darn reading glasses again. Pretty soon your trying to figure out how to hook up the big screen TV to the computer. :eek:

    But seriously- I hope all is well and let us all know how you make out with your eyes.


    PS. The latest version of IE has a 50%- 400% zoom function at the bottom of the window.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2007
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I have been having a terribly difficult time in the UBT freerolls, too. Similar impression as Monkeysystem - dealer busts the first two hands, the wildcatters run up to 100,000 just that quick, and then it's nothing but trying to play catch-up. In 22 tries for the Paris daily qualifiers, I've only gotten past the first round 3 or 4 times, and past the second round once. It's not like I don't have a pretty solid track record in those freerolls, either. At first, I thought it was just a run of bad luck, but this has been going on for almost a month, and now that I read about other BJT-ers having the same problems - Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmmmm......... :confused:
  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Actually it's the first three hands

    Maybe it's just my human (simian?) nature coming through, remembering bad things more easily. But I've gotten MrsMonkey and myself into every invite until now and it's never taken more than nine tries. But now the pokies (poker ploppies) are having unbelievable luck in the first three hands. Either the dealer breaks or draws high cards out to 17 way more often than seems normal.

    BLACKJACK4U New Member

    free rolls hmmmmm

    I have been playing UBT freerolls and can't get past second round anymore..It seems impossible...Seems like something wrong....I used up all my tecs and still can't get to the main event...It makes me want to give up..
  11. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    these are tough tournaments - just look at the size of the fields - several hundred to maybe 1,000 players - 4 or 5 rounds to the final table - just do the math on the raw odds - 100-1 against you getting to the final table - or worse

    add on the insane betting and bad play - and it gets frustrating - don't expect to get through these tourneys any more often than you would in any tourney that has 1,000 players in it -

    just keep playing well - and you'll get into a few main events - eventually
  12. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    True To Form

    I played again tonight. What an idiot. I survived an all in early in the first round and managed to win the table, ranking 25th with a final BR of 102K.

    In the second round I was LB1 with 32K on hand 8. Four opponents were over 60K. This time I didn't survive.

    True to form, in my first round the dealer busted the first two hands and paid four players with a 9 upcard on the third hand. In my second round the dealer busted the first three hands. It's been happening to me for over two weeks now in the Paris tournaments.

    All that dealer breaking the early hands and the big bankrolls is exciting for the pokies.
  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Just keep "monkeying" around. Perseverance may pay off - if you have the time. :D
  14. rounder21

    rounder21 New Member

    Overbusting dealer...

    It seems I'm not the only one who has noticed this about the freerolls. Its very frustrating when half the people have quadrupaled their bankroll before the 8th hand. Why is this? Dealer is supposed to bust 1 in 5 times. Standard rules H17 and they reshuffle every hand. So why does the dealer bust so much??? With ace up is the worst. When she doesnt have blackjack, she nearly busts everytime. Anyone else notice this? I'm not sure what the percentage of busts are supposed to be with dealer ace up but I know its real low. People stand on stiffs and end up winning big with ace up. What is up with these games? Is it just a coincidence that people on this site seem to agree that the dealer overbusts? I continue to play the way I'm "supposed" to because I dont want to let what I happen to see (short run) affect my play for what I should expect in the long run, but others seem to agree.

    On a better note, I finally got lucky in a qualifier. I stopped just betting minimum from start because I was getting so frustrated. Didnt go all-in but I just bet a little lower than most others and it worked. Although one round I had to really kick it up and get lucky to win. 4 people were left on the last hand and all of us had 6 figures. I was BR2 and advanced. Remember the last round isnt played in these qualifiers. If you make it to the final 6, you get your seat for the main event. You figure about 600 people enter each one on average (less people enter late at night like the 1am qualifiers). Play 3 qualifiers a day for a month and odds arent bad. I'm glad I finally got one I can take a break from these things, now I dont have to play until the main event at the end of the month. Odds are against me, but I'd sure like to go to Paris. One step closer now.

    Good Cards,
  15. Venture

    Venture Member


    Hold down the "control" key while moving the mouse scroll wheel toward you. The type will get so big that even an old fart like me can read it!
  16. yeahyeahyeah

    yeahyeahyeah New Member

    personal experiences with the freerolls

    ..I've seen that as long as you get passed the first two rounds on the freerolls the play gets more conservative and you see a lot less of the going all in on the first couple of hands, people splitting face cards, etc.

    I've come to experience that as long as I play how I'm "supposed" to play that you get through and that many of those eratic players end up busting themselves out -- having 75,000 by hand 3, but splitting / double down and ending up with zero by hand 4.

    ...oh and on a side note, I was going to head out to the Hustler Casino out here in LA on Thursday for their tourney this past week, but got stuck at work...I ended playing the 1AM FRI Freeroll (10PM Pacific, Thursday Night) and got all the way up to the 4th rounded, ending up two places from the top 6 (placed 8th) -- only two places from qualifying for the main event! UGH! I was eliminated on hand 25 too which hurts, with the dealer not being my friend showing for me personally....still looking for that first freeroll win though....
  17. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    Yeah, I'm just a freeroll whore. Finally got thru a qualifier at UBT site. All I needed was four consecutive tables where the dealer didn't bust every one of the first 3 hands. Suddenly, strategy became necessary instead of simply bombing away and hoping for the best. It was hilarious watching the running commentary in the chat window about crappy dealers..... :laugh:
  18. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Well Leftnut You Have Been There Before Winning 2 Times I Believe- Granted The Freerolls Are Hard To Do But I Do Not Know Of Any Tournys I Can Play In My Underware 3 Times A Day For Free With A Very Large Payoff In The End And By The Way Good Practise If Any Thing Else:d :d
    yea and the large fields are intimidating but more than half of them are gone the 1st round and once you qualify for the next 5 rounds you can get down to business

    this post is for the previous posts not just leftnut who i have played in these tournys
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2007
  19. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thanks, Maxwell. But I didn't win 2 (yet), my ladyfriend won the 2nd one that you're probably thinking of.
    I was sitting behind her most of the way.... just rooting her on, of course...... :D
  20. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Yea....I finally qualified to Play for Europe.

    Actually I have qualified for every one except for one so far ....but this was especially hard and I while I see the phenom described...what I having been running up against is terrible turns. Getting well into position in round 3....(this happened 3 times) and then being turned by not one or two players ...but the the whole table....three times in a row! One turn is ok...2 you can survive but three usually puts you out.

    The TEC point games are still the worst...
    The tournaments are getting slightly better in that some players are actually starting to think of a stratgey other than all in ....hope for the best.

    Last free roll I qualified to play in....errrr I sat down to play it a day late! One of those most bone headed moments....where I knew the date but had failed to flip the calender to the next month and just missed it..mind failing me in conjunction with my eye sight.

    BTW thanks for the kind words all....they are thinking maybe an early cataract stage ....more tests in my future....for now Im seeing ok by wearing contacts all the time and then bifocal glasses and that tipping head holding things farther or closer and using the top or bottom part to read or see the computer screen...Im looking into surgery to hopefully fix everything or at least get rid of some of this apparatus....Golden Years huh??? Actually Im just hitting late middle age or middle age if you live to 100..;-)

    Im gonna be seeing fine soon enough...probably be noticing the wrinkles and grey hair more then...(actually my mid life crises is on the wane)haha

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