French Lick, IN 09/08/07

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    OK. So I couldn't get into The Harrah's New Orleans event on 9/14/07 so I scouted the CALENDER and found a tournament at French Lick (nice name) Resort and Casino in Indiana. Logged onto their website and found zero information. There have been no previous BJ Tournaments listed on the CALENDER so maybe this is their first attempt - translation: Humm.

    Anyway, I don't have time to research this because I'm retiring early tonight and I'll be gone for the weekend so I thought of LeftNut! With the lack of tournaments in his area he is always chomping at the bit - so how about researching this, LeftNut? It would make a great weekend get away for you and Deb! :D
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2007
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I'll be all over that one, Toolman. French Lick is a bit of a cruise, over 6 hours, but if the deal is right we'd go.
    I'll see what I can find out.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you to the member who emailed me about needing to add French Lick to the listings so this event could be added.
  4. sea7bass

    sea7bass New Member

    Now Listed on Web Site

    Cut and Paste

    Make autumn a hit on the Blackjack Tables at French Lick Resort Casino during our Fall Into Blackjack Tournament. The excitement begins at 11:00am on September 8th with opening rounds occurring every half an hour until 3:00pm. On Sunday, the semi-finalists from Saturday will compete at Noon for their spot at the final table at 1:30pm. Stack up your winnings by taking home your share of up to $30,000*! Sign up today to reserve your seat!
    Entry Fee: $130 (per person)
    *Total prize structure is based on the total number of entrants*
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    French Lick?

    French Lick,
    Was that in Indiana? Oh yes, I remember her well!
    Billy C
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Ain't no way!!!!!

    Deb and I have been doing a lot of poking around looking for info on this one,
    and there ain't any way in hell we're going to go.
    Prize fund is based on entries, for one thing, and the cheapest room rate she could find was $428 for two nights. :eek:
    We couldn't find any discount on that awful rate for tournament players, either.

    We haven't yet investigated the possibility of unrelated motels in the same area.
  7. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member

    Larry Legend

    French Lick, Indiana was made famous by that Indiana St. and Boston Celtic legendary basketball player Larry Bird. Its his home town.

    Let's think back, that was the 1978-79 College season I believe. Maybe Leftnut or another, remembers the Magic Johnson-Michigan St. versus Larry Bird-Indiana St. final in the NCAA tourney.

    Frankly I remember my Illini giving MSU their first loss of the season in Champaign, IL. that year. That team was led by a Johnson too, Eddie Johnson.

    Yeh, I remember shiat from thirty years ago, but don't ask me what I ate last night for dinner.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2007
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    AH-HAH! Larry Bird's hometown! That's why it sounded so familiar.

    Don't remember that B-ball game, although I do remember all the local hoopla over Johnson when he was in high school, then later at Michigan State.

    So far, it still appears that Deb and I won't be visiting that famous little town. Round-trip drive of about 13 hours plus the hotel cost makes the BJT a negative expectation event in a big way. Especially when there's no assurances about the prizes. Sea7bass posted the only website info that I could find about the event so far.

  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I'll have to join LeftNut in not bothering with this event. First, the info on their website is anemic, at best. Second, the cost of rooms for a "possible" prize pool of $30,000 is a bit steep. Third, their statement "The excitement begins at 11:00am on September 8th with opening rounds occurring every half an hour until 3:00pm" tells me that this is a LUCK RULES tournament. Not only don't you know how the players advance but the fact that the first round has sessions scheduled every half hour indicates there is not enough time to work any decent strategy. Conclusion: PASS
  10. sea7bass

    sea7bass New Member


    Canceled, casino called and said that the tournament was canceled. Apparently the casino couldn't throw together a tournament with 10 days of marketing, horrible location, suspect format, and outrages prices for the rooms.

    I recommend you check out the casino and hotel. Very nice place. They offer me a casino rate of $55 Sun - Thur for the same level of play that a small market Harrah's would give me a free room for. Substantially nicer at the Lick though. I would never pay the full rate knowing that I could stay at other local casinos for free. So the casino is kinda a toss up for me. Do you pay for nicer facilities or do you take a step down and save $55?
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2007
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thanks for the info, sea7bass. Sure hope this doesn't discourage other Upper Midwest casinos from trying to host BJT's.

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