Frontier Tournaments Gone?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by tahoewolf, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. tahoewolf

    tahoewolf New Member

    While scanning the tournament calendar, it seems that the New Frontier is cancelling all their BJ tournaments. Such a shame. It used to be the "big three" - Stardust, Frontier and Riviera - all running their schedules in syncronization. I could fly in for a week and play all 3 casinos. And they also all got plenty of my non-tourney action. Now it seems the Stardust is the only one who wants my money. And even at the 'Dust I notice prizes being cut back and lower comps. That was one of the player discussion topics - Dropping this weeks announced $30,000 first to $20,000! Quite a big drop.

    And by the way - congrats to Harry Fox for winning this one!

    Corporate sucks - bring back mob control. :)
  2. Eugene Nichols

    Eugene Nichols New Member


    Yes, it is a shame that Frontier gave up the tournaments. They told me that they cannot find people to run them. I still get invitations for comp stays there. I'll be staying at Frontier June 23-26.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Not dead yet

    The Frontier has not yet made an official decision to eliminate all future events. They are instead making the decision one event at a time. While the August event they had tentatively considered will not be happening, I still hope we'll see more tournaments in the future.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    Tourney's back to back

    One week. four or five tourney's. what a kick. If you didn't burn out.

    But with invitationals only and dropped events.......

    In addition to the listing of tourneys all over the country, if someone from "out there" knew and could post when a rich week of tourney's were to happen, it would be a godsend to luck seekers such as myself. I might even give the tipster a percentage, if I Hit. Notice, I said if.

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