Ft Sill Apache Casino

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by BJMAILMAN, May 17, 2009.


    BJMAILMAN Member

    The tournament is set and they got their 252 max players entered. Me and my wife play the first round Tuesday. Anybody else here playing ?

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Apache tournament

    Will, I couldn't get no luck. But my wife's still got it. She won second to advance with 3800. I know from here FWBishop advanced anybody else ?
  3. F.W. Bishop

    F.W. Bishop New Member

    Ill play tonight. Good luck everyone

    BJMAILMAN Member


    My wife, Erika, made it to the third round and into the money. Has 11700. Semifinals and then final table start Thursday 6pm.
  5. F.W. Bishop

    F.W. Bishop New Member


    I just got a wild card. Lucky...Lucky Lucky

    BJMAILMAN Member


    That was lucky to be the one name drawn. I guess we will be seeing you again. At least you can hopefully make your money back now. See you Thursday.
  7. F.W. Bishop

    F.W. Bishop New Member


    Finished 19th.. Feel lucky on the draw for 2nd round and to see what the tables had. Thought the trny was ran very smoothly and well organized

    BJMAILMAN Member


    My wife, Erika, finished 25th. She was feeling really bad and couldn't think straight. She still did well to make it into the money. It was nice meeting you and hope to see you again.

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Apache tournament again

    Ft Sill Apache casino is having their $100000 tournament again. Aug 24-27. Sign up starts Aug 7- Aug 22. Only 252 entries. All the same rules as the last one. Must have 5 hours of play from June 12 to Aug 22 to qualify.

    BJMAILMAN Member


    Me and my wife, Erika, Advanced to the second round on Wednesday. She won her table I finished second on mine. How did you do FWBISHOP ? Anybody else there ?
  11. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    We'll be there

    BjBeauty and I will play tomorrow night at 7:30. Hopinglarry plays at 8:15.
    Anyone else?

    BJMAILMAN Member

    Apache casino

    We play again 6 and 7 o'clock Wednesday. We'll try and come by and find you guys. I'll be wearing a black print shirt with orange flowers. So far from what I watched the wildcards will be over 4000. Goodluck. John and Erika.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    BJmailman, is this an accumulation tournament with chips carrying over from round to round like at Comanche Red River? Do all the players start with the same starting bankroll?

    Regardless the format and starting bankroll I want to wish all the BJT.com members good luck playing there this week. Keep us informed on how you are doing.

    BJMAILMAN Member


    Everybody starts with 1000. Round 1- $50 gets you 500 more and $10 dealer tip gets you 500 more. You carryover your chips from one round to the other. Round 2- $50 gets you 1000 more. Round 3- $50 gets you 2000. These extra purchases are optional. There are very few that do not pay the extra. 2 advance from rd 1&2.

    BJMAILMAN Member


    It was nice meeting you guys, DRBASS, BJBEAUTY, AND HOPINGLARRY. Hopinglarry made it tonights second round. Bjbeauty missed wildcard by one person. 8 wildcards she was 9th. Sorry. Goodluck with future events, John.

    BJMAILMAN Member


    Well none of us made it. The good news is that they said they plan on doing it again. The prize money is suppose to be larger, a longer time to qualify, and more people to enter. They are going to try to tweek things. Don't know what that might mean. Maybe have a max bet would be good. It was still fun and maybe next time I'll see more of you guys here. I'll keep you informed.
  17. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Hope to see you net time at Ft. Sill

    Nice to meet you too, Mailman. Sorry that the cards turned sour during your second round. BJBeauty and I had a good time, even if we didn't advance. Hope to see you next time around. Keep up the posts - we appreciate all the good information you provide about the tourney.
  18. hopinglarry

    hopinglarry Top Member

    I must admit, I have been in many casinos in my 35 years of casino gambling and this is the nicest group of employees I have ever encountered.

    You can't stand or walk around the casino without someone asking if they can help you, get you something or just hello and good luck.

    It is highly likely that I will go to another tournament up there.


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