Full House in Tulsa?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It sounds like both WSOB qualifiers will be pretty full this weekend in Tulsa. Just remember to get the $49 room rate you must call Sal DeLeone or talk to him before you check in. Tell him I told you to come up and play.

    If you don't do this, don't come crying about not getting the $49 rate. I won't be able to do anything about it afterwards.

    Sounds like 15 players from here and Global-Player will be making the trip.
  2. Sun Runner

    Sun Runner New Member

    Re Tulsa .. thanks for the info

    Can anyone get the $49 room rate or do you have to be affiliated with Global Player?

    So you buy-in, win your tournament on Friday (or Sunday), what then?

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Talk to Sal DeLeone first!

    Sun Runner you can get the $49 per night rate (if there are any rooms left). It isn't just for this site or Global, but for all BJ players. To get that rate call Sal Deleone at 1-800-760-6700 for booking or talk to him before checking in if you have already booked and be sure to tell him Rick Jensen sent you.

    Now for the WSOB qualifiers, they are held at 7:00 pm on Friday night and 2:00 pm on Sundays. The top two advance throughtout the tournament in each of the tournaments.

    1st and 2nd over all (in each tournament) will advance to the finals on Feb. 3rd for the Friday qualifiers and Feb. 5th for the Sunday qualifiers. In the finals only the over all winner (for both days) will win a seat at this years WSOB II.

    Come over and introduse yourself before the tournament. I think about 10-15 of us will be getting together afterward, you are more then welcome to join us.

    Good luck up there.
  4. Sun Runner

    Sun Runner New Member

    Thanks so much ..

    .. if I make it I'll look you up.

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