Fun little test

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I saw this over at BJ21 and thought ya'll might enjoy it.

    This test will boggle your mind...and its weird too.
    Take your time and follow the instructions. After reading each window click on the boy in the lower right corner. I
    n the last window type in your numbers in the white box!
    Use the keyboard to type in the numbers when asked (there is NO curser) You will be amazed....and no, I don't know how it's done until an Einstein spills his guts.

    Click here & take your IQ test:

    After opening the link, you need to click on the "waving hand" in order to continue your test.

    Hope you enjoy it.
  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Wish I Could Do That At The Tables
  3. How?

    Very cool! How do they do that?

    Take Care
  4. noman

    noman Top Member


    It's Math magic.
  5. tgun

    tgun Member


    I don't know how, but suspect it might involve the magic number 9.

    Casting 9's or something. Just don't remember.

  6. TFulmer

    TFulmer New Member

    For any number, regardless of the number of digits, subtract a rearranged version.

    63-36 = 27

    571 - 157 = 414

    7321 - 3217 = 4104

    23128 - 21832 = 1296


    Notice the pattern to all the numbers when digits are added:
    2+7 = 9
    4+1+4 = 9
    4+1+0+4= 9
    1+2+9+6 = 18

    No matter what numbers you put in, you are subtracted the same values from it (even if in different order) so your final number will be one of these 9 variants.

    All the program does is take the numbers you give it
    410 then your number is 4, why? Because 4+1+0+x = 9

    The reason you can't use zero is because 0 and 9 are interchangeable. Note the last example
    1+2+9+6 = 18

    If you were allowed to circle zeros, then 126 could have 2 possible answers. Thus "You can't circle zeros because they are already circles"

    It is the same principle as this game:
    Just much more complicated.

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