Funding another player's account?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by ANDY 956, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Site members Ken Smith, Joep, Noman and Txtourplayer have my home address and personal email for various reasons.

    Now I have no desire to move house at the moment in order to make a few quid so I will use the above members as an example for added security reasons.

    The above players are all Americans who can no longer fund their Internet casino accounts or who are finding it increasingly difficult to do so because of recent USA legislation.

    I am from England so the recent changes in the law do not apply to me.

    The question is. Can I use my own Neteller account to put money into any of the above players Internet casino accounts?

    So if Ken Smith sends me over a cheque for $100 dollars plus Neteller fee, could I deposit this on his behalf?

    Banks allow you to deposit money into other people’s accounts without you knowing their financial status or having any authority to make withdrawals.

    Does anyone know what the legalities are regarding the above and whether it would work?

    One of above guys could test it out with a small amount of money. I promise not to emigrate ;)

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It's been done before...

    I know at you can just transfer funds from your account to another players account without using any outside source.

    I had just posted a similar post a few days back.

    I would think that "IF" players get you to do this, that you should get compensation, lets say $2.00 per transaction. After all you should make a few quid out of
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Quid pro quid, TX

    $2? I think 10 per cent is more in line. With exclusionary compensation for wins. For $2. the launderer ought to get a per centage of the winnings.

    Something similiar to the deal Sir Lord Field Marshall,Duke of Ettenbouroghough, Reachy and I have. It's complicated but works. As long as it's negotiated and played on the second Tuesday of every second month.
    And coincidently, the way it has worked, if he hasn't given me a promised and payed for cut, he doesn't seem to win. Go figure.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Two dollars on top...

    Noman, when I suggested $2.00 for Andy I was talking about on top of any fees he may have for transfering the funds.

    It becomes to expensive it wouldn't be worth it for the players.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Two dollars on top, either side or from the bottom:

    As always TX, you know best in these matters and I was only joshin.
  6. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Neteller has stopped P2P transfers for all US accounts. Now there is now way to get your money.
  7. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Question for Get21


    I am just curious about how US players can overcome the ban and fund their accounts.

    Could someone from the UK deposit money into Rando's Get21 account without any laws being broken?

    Or are US players banned from the site anyway regardless of funding issues?

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  8. noman

    noman Top Member


    Don't rightly know about, or how to fund someoneelses account. Though some sites allows transfers. Right now, all I know is UBT/Bets are takin certain credit cards and they have as I've said, a non descript account name and address(could it be to foul the card holders?) Whatever, it works. At least for me, but that's not necessarily a good thing. better, I was banned.
  9. daniel.valentine

    daniel.valentine New Member

    Unfortunately US players (other countries as well), are automatically locked when they try to switch to real money.
    I would also love to see Rando and other players in our lobby but for now, we can't do anything.
    By the way we have a new Refer a Friend program, just click on it from the main lobby.
    You will receive $25 if your friend deposit min of $20 and generates at least 2500 action points. (non US of course)

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