Gambling Bill

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by fgk42, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    If this doesn't sound like Guestopo Hitler crap I don't know what is. Take the topic of the month and bash it and every one associated with it.

    Mr. Frist, as a physician who has the background and knowledge, why do you allow cigarettes to continue to be sold in this country? Smoking has destroyed more families than online gambling. The cost to this country in health care from smoking is staggering and yet you continue to let them be sold. I bet the 13 and 14 year olds from Tennessee, where tobacco is grown, can buy cigarettes very readily online - heck they just go to the local 7-11!

    What about brick and mortar casinos? If the online variety is so bad why in the name of God would you allow the real casinos to continue, grow and thrive? You are so concerned with every computer having the potential to become a mini-Vegas but you don't expand. The last I looked Vegas was a better place to live then Tennessee

    Finally what about on-line pornography in particular pedophiles? You own party members, Rep Foley, like to have so young underage ass and what have you done about that? Isn't THAT destructive to families? How about drinking and drugs?

    The list goes on and on. Your moral arguments are BULLSHIT. I can say that because I WAS A SOUTHERN BAPTIST MEMBER for over 5 years. I attended the conventions and understand a lot more than you do buddy. I have witnessed, first hand, the hypocrisy, lying and cheating, that takes place. We found out how much money the land based casinos have contributed to your account Mr. Frist so just cut the crap :flame:

    I'll get off my soapbox now - forgive my ranting but I had to get it out or risk blowing up!

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    Last edited: Oct 7, 2006

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