GB Internet casinos

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by ROBBO12, Jul 30, 2006.

  1. ROBBO12

    ROBBO12 New Member

    I have joined various GB casinos via the internet and i have to say i am very disappointed.

    I always played Blackjack in the regular places available ,but the idea of internet was very appealing,and though i played large stakes was more than happy with the structure of the games.

    Since i joined the internet sites ,i have stuck to minimal stakes as in this area i was a newbie and have to say i will not play again.

    It got to the stage where i could tell what the dealer had when my cards were dealt 80% of the time.

    The money which i have lost is small but in no way will i continue to be what i feel is ripped off,with no chance of winning.

    So if anyone can recommend a good site please let me know.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    What do you mean by GB casinos?
    Which casinos did you play?
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here is a thought

    Do you think GB Casinos mean "Good Bye" to your money :rolleyes:

  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I wish I could tell what the dealer had 80% of the time! I've never seen a flashing dealer on the Internet though.
  5. ROBBO12

    ROBBO12 New Member

    What i mean Ken is that if i had poor hands and turned them into good hands,no matter what the dealer had they were hitting 21 most of the time.

    The casinos i have been using were bet365 who in fairness to them get a lot of good reviews,Fred Done and Stan James.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    By GB you mean UK?

    Hi Robbo

    There are lots of other sources of information on online BJ that you may find more useful. This site is mainly focused on elimination style tournament BJ which is somewhat different from traditional BJ. At present there are only 2 sites that offer this sort of game, and If you fancy a go at elimination BJ then visit these sites. Otherwise I recommend going to and visit their forum (sister site to here) or another place called which has all sorts of information about online casinos.

    Are you bonus hunting or just trying to beat the dealer?


  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member



    Don't take Reachy's comments in any negative way. Although this site is primarily devoted to Blackjack Tournaments, an occasional general question is always welcome. I for one get a lot of info relating to BJ in general from this site. Also, I get an education in football, basketball, baseball, soccer, poker, etc. - maybe even bowling (although I can't recall bowling off hand) - and of course I get to hear about everyone's drinking binges which I treasure dearly. :D

    Anyway, I still need my curiosity satisfied. In your first post you mentioned "GB casinos". I still don't know what the "GB" represents. Can you enlighten us?
  8. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member



    Robbo means internet casinos in Great Britain.

  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member



    I don’t think Ken will be telling us off for posting and replying on the wrong site so this is my view although somewhat limited.

    First have all I do know where you are coming from as I had a similar problem regarding a GB casino site.

    I used to play Blackjack on Littlewoods Casino but uninstalled it because as it just did not appear to replicate anywhere near normal casino play.

    At first I thought I was having a run of bad luck. I decided to use what I had left in my account to play minimum bets and use basic strategy to see what happened.

    It just ate up my money until I had none in my account.

    Never played on there again.

  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Hope I didn't sound negative

    Robbo - If my post sounded negative I apologise, it wasn't my intention. This is an very friendly forum in which I personaly have felt very welcome, even when my posts may have come somewhat from the leftfield. What I was hoping convey was that there are many other sources of good information on online gambling/blackjack that may offer you a quicker response to your question.

    I was also hoping to convert you to the joys of elimination style blackjack, a game where skill can offer you a real edge and an excellent way to win money. IMHO unless you are bonus hunting (which is becoming increasingly difficult) online BJ is a losing propostion. Elimination BJ eliminates the house edge and pits you against other BJ players. Variance still plays a part but the cream rises to the top over time!

    And as for my last drinking binge, well lets just say I woke up in a ditch, only had 1 shoe on, 47 miles from where I last remembered being, a stuffed rabbit under one arm, £908 in my pocket (I only had a tenner when I left home) and a tattoo of Marilyn Munroe on my left buttock! Shocking hangover!



    Ps. I'm actually tee-total!

    PPs. I was drunk when I wrote that Ps.
  11. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Hey Reachy

    You need to get all that negative energy out of you and get back into the positve mode before we get to Paris :laugh:

  12. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Stuffed Rabbit?!?

    Reachy, at least the rabbit was under your arm.:joker:
  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Is that tattoo of Marilyn Munroe that sister of the Munroe tire man? I thought you would at least get a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe the hot babe! Guess the rabbit threw you for a loop! Doing the bunny hop? Hey is that when they took out all your teeth too!

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