General Strategy Thoughts (before elim hands)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by toonces, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. toonces

    toonces Member

    Just a couple discussion topics based on the Differences between regular tournament BJ and Elimination BJ:

    1) How often do you alter your basic strategy to correlate or non-correlate your bets with an opponent? For example, if you are correlating with an opponent 4 hands before an elimination, are you unlikely to hit a 16 v. 8? a 13 v. 10?

    2) Now that there are secret bets, is it no longer nearly as important as it used to be to stay ahead of an opponent with one hand to go? Is it worth taking big risks to get in front of your opponents going into an elim round, or is being within a few thousand a reasonable goal?
  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    my approach

    is to play the first 8 hands of an elimination tourney like I would the last eight hands of a regular tourney - with the modifications that the first couple of hands I may be betting minimumn or very conservative - and - the goal going into the elimination hand is not to be the chip leader - necessarily - but to be well positioned to stay alive - given chip counts and betting position - you don't have to win the tourney on the first elimination hand - also - save yur secret bet if possible - it is too valuable to use if you don/t actually need too - and - keep in mind that surviving the elimination hand means little - if you end up with so few chips you are not competitive afterwards - but I do a lot of correlating/coordinating with other player's bets throughout the elimination play - even from the start - its really all late/final hand play - will also do extreme bets at times on the elimination hands - if I have to win to stay alive - I just go all in - win or die - that way - if I survive - I survive in real good position -

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